Updated December 31, 2023:
Establishing an herbicide resistance monitoring program for Pennsylvania soybean growers
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We observed that resistance to glyphosate, ALS inhibitors (e.g., Pursuit), and atrazine in waterhemp is widespread in Pennsylvania, but not in all populations. A single population displayed resistance to 2,4-D and dicamba. We also observed that products containing flumioxazin (e.g., Valor), fomesafen (e.g., Reflex), glufosinate (e.g., Liberty), and tiafenacil (Reviton) are still efficient. Populations of Italian ryegrass displayed resistance to fluazifop (e.g., Fusilade) and glyphosate. All marestail populations were resistant to glyphosate and chlorimuron (e.g., Classic), but were controlled by atrazine, 2,4-D, glufosinate, and dicamba. Given weed populations displayed distinct resistance patterns, growers could benefit from a system for quick herbicide resistance diagnosis. In 2023, we considerably expanded our sample size to obtain a better representation of the state of herbicide resistance in PA. Future work will test those populations against key soybean herbicides.