Benefit To Soybean Farmers
Avian disease studies are critical not only to keep healthy poultry productions but also to ensure constant soybean consumptions to promote healthy soybean industry.
As the USDA annual statistic reports on poultry productions, Pennsylvania has continuously ranked the 4th largest egg-layer state in the US with 30,545,000 head in 2020 (28,235,000 in 2018; and 27,214,000 head in 2016). On average, 16.5 % of soybeans are the major protein component in laying hens’ feed, the over 30,545,000 head layers consume about 216,033 tons of soybeans annually (9 kg of soybeans/bird/year).
For broiler chickens, PA has 221,100,000 head in 2020 (200,100,000 in 2018). On average, Soybean in broiler feed: 1.27kg/head, (1.27kg x 221,000,000 = 280,670,000kg), so the 221 million head consume 280,670 tons of soybeans annually.
Therefore, healthy poultry productions are important in keeping constant soybean consumptions to promote healthy soybean industry.