Development of Soy-formulate for organic ammonia production via hyperammonia-bacteria fermentation in a one-pot system
BiobasedCommercializationIndustrial UsesProcessing co-productsProcessing technology
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Ademola Hammed, North Dakota State University
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
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Brief Project Summary:
Researchers have successfully isolated hyper-ammonia bacteria (HAB) that can ferment soybean hydrolysates to produce organic ammonia. The current result produced organic ammonia but still have unused substrate and requires two steps (hydrolysis and fermentation). Combining both hydrolysis and fermentation into a one-pot system will reduce processing time and volumetric productivity, making the process more efficient. Further studies are required to make organic ammonia production via HAB-fermentation of soybean industrially viable. The objectives of this study are to develop soy-formulate suitable for HAB fermentation and to develop a one-pot system.
Key Beneficiaries:
#engineers, #farmers, #scientists
Unique Keywords:
#ammonia, #industrial use – meal, #new uses, #soy protein
Information And Results
Project Summary

More than 180 million metric tons of ammonia is produced globally with a possible 2.3% annual increase. Although, most used for fertilizer, ammonia has furture potential application of the gas is in the transport and power generation industries. However, the current Haber-Bosch process for ammonia production operate at high temperature and pressure and is responsible for Energy and CO2 reductions during ammonia production have necessitate the development of green process from bioresouce. We have successfully isolated 5 hyper-ammonia bacteria (HAB) that have ability to ferment soybean hydrolyzates to produce organic ammonia. Our current result porduced about 500 mM of organic ammonia but still have un-used substrate and requires two steps (hydrolysis and fermentation). The unused amino acids could potentially be fermented by HAB if order supplements (minerals, vitamins and co-factors) are present. Also, combining both hydrolysis and fermentation into one-pot system will reduce processing time and volumetric productivity thereby making the process more efficient. Therefore, these further studies are required to make organic ammonia production via HAB-fermentation of soybean industrially viable. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to develop soy-formulate suitable for HAB fermentation in a one-pot system. The outcomes of this research will be viable for developing ammonia biofuel production using ND crops and byproducts and will eventually expand the economy of ND agriculture.

Project Objectives

The main objective of the research is to develop an efficient one-pot fermentation system for organic ammonia production.
The specific objectives are:
i. To develop soy-bean formulate suitable for HAB fermentation.
ii. To develop one-pot fermentation process for organic ammonia production via HAB fermentation of soybean.

Project Deliverables

- Information on supplements required for efficient soybean utilization.
- Knowledge of ammonia production efficiency using soybean in a one-pot fermentation system.

Progress Of Work

Updated November 30, 2021:
Development of Soy-formulate for organic ammonia production via hyper-ammonia-bacteria fermentation in a one-pot system

Ademola Hammed, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering,
North Dakota State University

Objectives of the research
i. Development of a mild pretreatment for whole soybean
Completed work
i. Development of a mild alkali extraction of soybean protein
Plant cell wall are rigid and prevent diffusion of protein needed during fermentation to produce organic ammonia. Therefore, we are developing chemical extraction processing to obtain protein from soybean. Since the targeted product is ammonia, we developed ammonia hydroxide extraction of soybean protein. Also, ammonia can be recovered and reuse making it an efficient extraction solvent.

Whole soybean was grinded and sieved into different particle sizes >1, 0.425-1, 0.25 - 0.425 and <0.25 mm denoted, respectively as A, B, C, and D. Protein extraction was carried out on 5 g A, B, C, and D using 50 mL of different ammonium hydroxide concentrations (1, 2.5, 5, 10 and 15%). The mixtures were transferred into a shaker preset at 55 oC and 130 rpm. Extracts were collected at different time (0, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48h). The extracts were centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 5 mins to separate the supernatant (extract) from the residue. The extract protein concentration was determined using the Bradford assay.

Effect of particle size
The particle size affects extraction yield because increasing particle size reduces the solid surface area available for interactions with the solvent. Smaller particle size not only has high surface area that facilitates surface washing of extract but also has reduced diameter that aids extract leaching. However, reducing sample particle size is energy intensive, costly and prone to processing hazards including explosion. Therefore, we investigate the effect of particle size on the release of protein during protein extraction using ammonia hydroxide solution.
Figure 1 shows the result of protein yield at different particle sizes. Extraction yield increase across with reduction in particle size. At 15% solvent concentration and 48h, 50% protein extraction was achieved for sample A while for sample D, about 59% protein extraction was achieved. The results showed that particle size had a significant effect on extraction yield.

Figure 1: Effect of particle size at 48h and 15% solvent concentration
Effect of solvent concentration
Solvent polarity and pH affect extraction yield because high acidic/basic solvent disrupts plant cell wall and high OH- increase solvent polarity to dissolve polar solute. The degree of plant cell wall disruption and solute solubility could increase extraction yield. In order to determine the ammonium hydroxide concentration that favor soy bean protein extraction we used different ammonium hydroxide concentrations (0, 1, 2.5, 5, 10 and 15%) during processing. The result (Figure 2) shows that ammonium hydroxide solutions extract more protein than the control. Protein extraction increase rapidly (approximately 49%) with 1% solvent concentration. Further increase in concentration did not cause significant increase in protein.

Figure 2: Effect of solvent concentration at 48h
Analysis of variance
A two-way ANOVA was performed to analyze the effect of particle size, ammonium hydroxide concentration and time on protein extraction from soybeans. The ANOVA analysis in Table 1 shows that the processing conditions significantly affect the protein yield. The probability F is less than 0.0001 suggesting that the difference is highly significant.

Dependent variable: Protein Concentration
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F
Model 47 27650.59291 588.31049 50.43 <.0001
Error 72 839.89921 11.66527
Corrected Total 119 28490.49212

Extraction kinetics
In solvent extraction process, kinetic models are commonly used to simulate the extraction process. Kinetic modelling simplifies and facilitates optimization study design. Different kinetic models were used for the extraction and the best fit model (So and Macdonald’s model, Figure 3) was selected based on higher magnitude of linear correlation coefficient (R=0.94) and lower root mean square (RMS=0.24) value (Kitanovic, S et al., 2008).

Figure 3. Comparison of experimental (symbols) and fitted (line) yields for soybean pretreatment at 1% solvent concentration and 48h: The extraction kinetics was fitted by So and Mac Donald’s model.

The effect of extraction processing factors, ammonium hydroxide concentration, time and particle size on soybean protein yield have been investigated. Reducing particle, time and ammonium hydroxide concentration increases protein yield. The conditions for highest protein yield are 12 h, 1% ammonium hydroxide and < 0.425 mm particle size.

Work to be completed
i. Optimization of NH4OHaq aided extraction of soybean protein.
ii. Biochemical hydrolysis of protein extract.
iii. Inclusion substrate essential elements
Kitanovic, S., Milenovic, D., & Veljkovic, V. B. (2008). Empirical kinetic models for the resinoid extraction from aerial parts of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.). Biochemical Engineering Journal, 41(1), 1-11.

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Updated July 2, 2022:
Statements of goals/objectives
Our goal is to develop an alternative manufacturing method that could eliminate the CO2 footprint which can be employed by local farmers, thus, bringing ammonia close to where it is needed to reduce the emissions associated with both the production and distribution.
• Development of soy-based substrate for the production of green ammonia
Ammonia is very critical to the manufacturing of fertilizers. The industrial production of most of the world’s fertilizer using the Haber-Bosch process require huge amounts of energy to generate the high temperatures and pressures needed to combine nitrogen and hydrogen into ammonia. The high cost of transporting fertilizer from large manufacturing facilities to remote rural areas, such as sub-Saharan Africa is another herculean task, making it hard to be obtained in such areas. It is, therefore, necessary to develop a smaller-scale alternative that could be used locally to produce fertilizer for farmers or a small community of farmers.
The hydrogen gas used for the Haber-Bosch process is usually obtained from methane derived from natural gas or other fossil fuels. High temperatures (500 degrees Celsius) and pressures (200 atmospheres) are required to make the very unreactive nitrogen react with hydrogen to form ammonia. The process is not only very expensive but also emits a great deal of carbon dioxide, thus, making ammonia the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, among all chemicals produced in large volumes.
Milestones and key performance indicators with
• Hydrolysis of soybeans
• Effect of different factors affecting soybean conversion to ammonia
Brief summaries progress, accomplishments and deliverables
Effect of substrate composition on microbial growth and ammonia production
The composition of substrate is among the major factors that affect fermentation process. Both protein and carbohydrate can provide carbon source for microbial proliferation. On one hand, bacteria generally prefer carbohydrates, primarily glucose for their growth. On the other hand, protein contain nitrogen that provide the amino base for ammonia production. To assess whether HAB can produce ammonia in cultures containing sugars (glucose or starch) only and sugars with a nitrogen source (casamino acid), it was observed that sugars alone could not support the growth of HAB; both starch and glucose give relatively poor growth of the bacteria (Figure 2). A similar result was seen in ammonia production when only sugars were used as the substrates. Nearly zero ammonia was produced in glucose only and starch only cultures (Figure 3). When the carbohydrate-containing cultures were supplemented with proteins, growth of the HAB surged (Figure 2), but not with concomitant high production of ammonia (Figure 4). This result showed that sugar inhibits ammonia production even when nitrogen-containing substrates are present. This is further evident as soybean flour which contains about 15% percent of sugars and more than 40% of protein among other components yielded low ammonia relative to peptide and casamino acid alone when each was used as substrates in different cultures (Figure 5).
Protein isolation and enzymatic hydrolysis enhance ammonia synthesis
Having discover that sugar inhibit ammonia synthesis and peptide/amino acids support early ammonia synthesis, we conducted the effect of protein isolation and enzymatic hydrolysis on ammonia production during HAB fermentation. According to Figure 6, a reduced ammonia concentration was observed in cultures containing soybean flour. But when soybean protein isolate (SPI) was used as the substrates, a relatively high concentration of ammonia was obtained in the culture. The rate of ammonia production was much higher in hydrolyzed protein (HP) cultures, but both SPI and HP cultures performed better vis-à-vis ammonia production relative to soybean flour, reaching a concentration of 1200 mg/L (Figure 6). Soybean flour showed a delay in ammonia production. This is expected due to the presence of non-protein components such as sugars, oil, and flavones, amongst others. Some bacteria are known to digest large biological molecules into useful products without prior pretreatment or degradation of such large polymers.

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Final Project Results

Updated December 1, 2022:

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Non-technical Writing
Development of Bioprocessing for Biological Ammonia Production
High-protein crops such as soybean are known renewable and sustainable sources of proteins. It has become necessary to develop biofuels, biochemical, and fertilizer from bio-resources to reduce petroleum use and establish a bio-economy. ND-crops and bioproducts are abundant in protein and could be a viable source for sustainable biofuel and biochemicals production most especially ammonia. Ammonia is used for many applications like water purification, refrigerant, and in the production of fertilizer, plastics, explosives, dyes, textiles, pesticides and other chemicals. Liquefied ammonia is energy denser and easier to ship compared to hydrogen. About 180 MT/year of ammonia worth $60 billion/year is produced through Haber process. Haber process is energy intensive contributing 2% of world energy usage and 1% of CO2 emission.
In this research, we have developed processing method to produce ammonia from soybeans. Overall, the processing method involve three stages namely extraction, enzymatic breaking and fermentation. Soybean protein was first extracted, broken down into smaller units and then fermented to ammonia. After fermentation of whole soybean in the preliminary work, it was revealed that presence of other molecules like sugar and oil interferes with ammonia production. Hence, the reason to extract protein as the first processing step. The first processing step (protein extraction) was carried out using a sustainable extraction agent (ammonium hydroxide) at conditions (52.5 oC, 10% solid, 0.5% extraction agent and 12 h) that did not damage the extracted protein structure. Also, the larger the size of protein the lower the ammonia production. So, the second step was carried out to reduce the extracted protein size using enzymes. Several enzymes were tested and the amount of ammonia produced varies among the type of enzymes used. The smaller units of protein gave quick ammonia production within 72 h of fermentation unlike the larger sized protein that show equal ammonia production at 168 h.
This research work has developed a fermentation process that operates at near room temperature using natural microbes. This approach will not require huge fossil fuel currently been used by the conventional process for ammonia production.

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

This research will make soybean utilization for efficient organic ammonia production. This will eventually result into more reason to buy soybeans by the industries.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.