Lime Impacts on Soybeans & Different Western North Dakota No-till Soils
Sustainable Production
DiseaseField management Pest
Lead Principal Investigator:
Chris Augustin, North Dakota State University-North Central Research Extension Center
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
Many fields in western North Dakota are decreasing in yield due to acidic soils. Decades of nitrogen fertilizers paired with slightly acidic soil parent materials and poorly buffered soils has lowered soil pH below 5.5 on thousands of farmable acres. These areas can be improved from surface liming. The goals of this project are to evaluate impacts of surface lime rates on different soils and use data to build liming recommendations for North Dakota farmers. Researchers will evaluate soybean growth, yield and quality differences among lime treatments and calculate the economic outcome of using lime.
Key Beneficiaries:
#agronomists, #applicators, #extension specialists, #farmers
Unique Keywords:
#acidic soils, #agronomy, #soil fertility, #soil health
Information And Results
Project Summary

Many fields in western North Dakota are decreasing in yield due to acidic soils. Historically, North Dakota has not dealt with soil acidity issues. However, decades of nitrogen fertilizers paired with slightly acidic soil parent materials and poorly buffered soils has lowered soil pH below 5.5 on thousands of farmable acres. These areas of strong acidity are adversely impacted by reduced nutrient availability, soil microbial activity, and stunted roots from aluminum (Al) toxicity. These areas can be improved from surface liming. Lime recommendations are common in other states. However, there is little North Dakota data to guide soybean producers on acidic soil management. This data will be used to generate recommendations for liming acidic soils in North Dakota as well as provide opportunities to educate county based Extension agriculture agents on soybean production and soil acidity. All crops are impacted by soil pH. This project proposal will be submitted to the ND Wheat Commission, ND Corn Council, ND Soybean Council, Northern Canola Growers Association, and Northern Pulse Growers for $26,780.00. If funded by the various commodity group, that specific crop will be used as a testing site. $26,780.00 is for research on soybean only. The total cost of this project is $133,900.00.

Project Objectives

1. Evaluate impacts of surface lime rates on different North Dakota soils and use data to build liming recommendations for North Dakota
2. Evaluate soybean growth yield and quality differences among lime treatments
a. Use visual scores and measurements to better understand soybean growth in relation to harvested yield
b. Calculate the economic outcome of using lime
3. Increase the knowledge base of acidic soil management in western North Dakota
a. Create a bulletin on acidic soil management
b. Host workshops to present data and answer production questions
c. Host in-service training to county extension agents
d. Use social media and other media outlets to distribute information to soybean growers and the general public

Project Deliverables

Data to assist in management decisions in acidic soils. NDSU Extension circular on North Dakota soil acidity management.

Progress Of Work

Updated November 29, 2021:
This project was funded by the North Dakota Soybean Council, North Dakota Wheat Commission, and North Dakota Corn Council. Each commodity group sponsored up to five sites for this project. Three soybean sites were found. The locations of the sites were nearby Minot, Steele, and Lefor North Dakota. Each site was soil tested prior to lime applications. Each site was soil sampled again and hand harvested in October of 2021. Soil test results and harvest data have not been received. Once test results are received, the data will be analyzed and used for outreach.

Many outreach activities regarding soil acidity management and soybean production have been held over the past year. Adams County Extension podcast (Agriculture Applied) focused on soil acidity and radio interviews conducted by Mick Kjar have been held. A six session soil school was held in Stark County where one of the sessions focused on soil acidity. The annual Dickinson Research Extension Center field day afternoon soil testing clinic covered how to find soil acidity issues.

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Final Project Results

Updated August 19, 2022:
Project Summary

Many fields in western North Dakota are decreasing in yield due to acidic soils. Historically, North Dakota has not dealt with soil acidity issues. However, decades of nitrogen fertilizers paired with slightly acidic soil parent materials and poorly buffered soils has lowered soil pH below 5.5 on thousands of farmable acres. These areas of strong acidity are adversely impacted by reduced nutrient availability, soil microbial activity, and stunted roots from aluminum (Al) toxicity. These areas can be improved from surface liming. Lime recommendations are common in other states. However, there is little North Dakota data to guide soybean producers on acidic soil management. This data will be used to generate recommendations for liming acidic soils in North Dakota as well as provide opportunities to educate county based Extension agriculture agents on soybean production and soil acidity. All crops are impacted by soil pH. This project was funded by the ND Wheat Commission, ND Corn Council, and ND Soybean Council for $26,780.00.

Project and Objectives

1. Evaluate impact of lime rates on North Dakota soils and use data to build liming recommendations for North Dakota
2. Evaluate soybean yield and quality differences among lime treatments
3. Increase the knowledge base of acidic soil management in western North Dakota
a. Create a bulletin on acidic soil management
b. Host workshops to present data and answer production questions
c. Host in-service training to county extension agents
d. Use social media and other media outlets to distribute information to growers and the general public

Progress Deliverables

Ten locations (figure 1) were secured for the 2021 growing season. Experiments were located in Williams (wheat), Ward (soybean), Mercer (corn), Golden Valley (wheat), Dunn (corn), Stark (wheat and corn), Hettinger (soybean), Morton (wheat), and Kidder (soybean) counties. Soils were sampled then limed in April or May of 2021. Crops were hand harvested when mature. Then were cleaned and analyzed for quality and yield. Soil samples were collected in October or November. All soils were sent to the lab for analysis shortly after field collection. This data will be used (first of two-year project) to develop lime amendments for acid soil reclamation.

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Project Results

Sugarbeet waste lime treatments increased the soil pH of the 0-3 and 0-6 in depths. Lime applications of 4, 8, and 16 tons/ac increased the 3-6 in soil depth (Table 1).
The regression analysis procedure produced statistically significant polynomial regressions from all, except the 6.3 and 7.1 buffer pH soil environments (Table 2). Even though all lime applications were statistically significant, it appears the greatest benefit was from the 2- and 4-tons lime per acre treatment as those are the steepest areas of the regression. The soil pH increase tapered off with the 8 and 16 tons per acre treatment.

Sugarbeet waste lime treatments impacted salinity, P, Ca, Mn, Al, and calcium-carbonate-equivalent (Table 3). However, SBWL treatments did not impact soil organic matter (p-value 0.955), nitrate (p-value 0.703), potassium (p-value 0.983), magnesium (p-value 0.799), zinc (p-value 0.888), sodium (p-value 0.698), and cation exchange capacity (p-value 0.995). The 4, 8, and 16 tons lime/ac treatments increased soil salinity (Table 3). Beet lime did not impact soil organic matter (p-value 0.9550), nitrates (p-value 0.703), potassium (p-value 0.9834), magnesium (p-value 0.799), sodium (p-value 0.655), zinc (p-value 0.888), and cation exchange capacity (p-value 0.996).

Beet lime may serve as a phosphorus fertilizer as lime increased Olsen phosphorus tests (table 2). Beet lime applications increased soil salinity, but all salinity tests were below yield reducing levels (table 2). There is calcium and magnesium in beet lime so the increase of soil tested calcium and magnesium (table 2) was not unexpected. Beet lime applications reduced soil extractable aluminum (table 2). However, the amount of aluminum in the untreated control was 5 ppm and below the 25 ppm threshold that many suggest as the amount of soil extractable aluminum needed to render the soil environment probable to aluminum toxicity. Clay content may play a role in this as aluminum is a large component of clay.

Calcium carbonate equivalent is a way to determine the amount of lime present in a soil. As lime applications increased so did the amount of calcium carbonate (table 2). It is interesting to note the 0 and 2 tons of lime per acre treatments both contained 0.6 percent calcium carbonate equivalent. This suggests that the approximately 2 tons of lime per acre fully reacted with the soil from the spring lime application to the October/November final soil collection.

Project Benefit to Soybean Farmers

Many Extension agents, producers, and crop consultants have been educated on soil acidity management at various workshops held at the Dickinson Research Extension Center. Six collaborating Extension agents and one specialist have had hands-on training in soil sampling, soil acidity management, and soybean production during the implementation of this project. This boots on the ground training will have direct impacts on the people served by NDSU Extension. This research will help all producers improve their crop yields as all crops are impacted by soil pH.

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

Soybean acreage continues to increase in western North Dakota. This area is starting to have widespread acidity issues that adversely impacts all crops. This project will produce the science and outreach needed to better manage acidic North Dakota soils, with North Dakota data.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.