Based on the data generated from 30 samples in 2017, race 2 (~87%) was the predominant race, followed by race 5 (~10%) and race 4 (~3%). Based on the data generated from 46samplesin 2018, race 2 (~80%) was the predominant race followed by race 5 (~9%), race 1(~9%), and race 4 (~2%). When data is combined from both years of the study there were a combined 76 samples, race 2 (83%) was the predominant race followed by race 5 (9%), race 1, (5%), and race 4 (1%). Currently, there appear to be no trends in regard to soybean cyst nematode race and geographical region of the state. Findings suggest that host resistance currently available to producers may not adequately manage current races unless varieties resistant to the above races become available. Data supports that rotations with a non-host crop or chemical treatment remain viable options to effectively manage soybean cyst nematode.