Soil collection and herbicide dissipation experiments (Objective 1) were initiated in Fall 2017 and completed in Spring 2018. Data was analyzed and a pilot study for evaluation of injury threshold and bioavailability of the three herbicides using sensitive bioindicator species was conducted. The data from this experiment will be used to design a full-scale injury threshold study, where a range of herbicide concentrations will be investigated to determine the threshold for soybean damage. NC adapted soybean germplasm will be screened for variation in carryover herbicide sensitivity (Objective 3) in Summer 2018 and growth, development, seed yield, biomass and leaf area will be measured. The data will be analyzed and the findings from these studies will be disseminated to NC soybean producers (Objective 4) in Winter 2019 and Spring 2020 to help NC soybean growers optimize herbicide use programs, save on pesticide input costs and improve soybean yield.