One way of securing high soybean yields in a sustainable way is to irrigate. This strategy is especially relevant four double crop soybeans that are planted after wheat harvest when the soil water storage is depleted to some extend by the wheat. To meet the plant's water needs irrigation water has to be applied efficiently. For this study, a center pivot system was used that was recently upgraded to a variable-rate irrigation (VRI) system was tested for the first time in combination with a new soil water content measurement system. One objective was to validate the application of two different irrigation rates. The second objective was to identify soil water content increase in the soil profile during a rainfall or irrigation event, and to evaluate the agreement between soil water content change and amount of precipitated or irrigated water. Third, the Root Zone Water Quality Model 2 (RZWQM2) which is an agro-ecosystem model that can simulate plant growth and soil processes was used to simulate profile soil water dynamics and crop growth. Two spatially different irrigation rates of 0.5 and 0.25 inches were used in eight different zones in a farmer’s field at Hillview Farms, Princeton, Caldwell County, Kentucky. The eight zones were located in two different soil types within the same field, i.e., silt loam and silty clay. The irrigated amount that was caught in a tipping bucket rain gauge was slightly below the intended amount. After calibration, the simulation model was able to describe soil water content time series in different soil layers. Accuracy of the model is comparable to the results obtained in other studies in the literature. For the silty clay soil, 0.5 inches of irrigation increased yield by approximately 7 bu/ac whereas for the silt loam soil, the lower irrigation rate did not cause a yield decrease. In drier years, this result would be expected top differ.