1) Continue the on-farm research program in 2021;
a. Farmers last year were very interested in using UAV as a scouting tool and approximately 30 experiments were conducted. We anticipate that this interest will continue in 2021. Other studies that most likely will continue are the use of new products, treatment of soybeans with rhizobia at V2 to V4, seeding rates, and fertilizer applications.
b. This year we are purchasing a hyperspectral remote sensing scanner that can be placed on a UAV-helicopter. This hyperspectral scanner represents the next generation in sensing and will collect 270 band between 400 (blue) and 1000 nm (near infrared). This sensor will have the capacity to measure subtle changes in reflectance and how stress including diseases and nutrients influences these spectral changes in soybeans.
i. This sensor is being purchased by an associated on-farm study project funded by NSF: Testing a responsible innovation approach for integrating precision agriculture (PA) technologies with future farm workers and work. The collaborating institution with this project is the University of Vermont. This project is determining the human barriers to precision farming adoption and providing funding to purchase equipment hire students that will help identify yield limiting factors.
ii. This sensor and UAV will be used in the on-farm studies next year.
2) Continue research designed to determine the importance of soil health in optimizing soybean yields (partially funded by NRCS and NREC); and
3) Deliver information to producers through Soy100, AgOutlook, SD on-farm web-site, news releases, radio interviews, and SDSU websites.
a. In addition, SDSU students are using data collected in the on-farm studies in several classes.
i. Seniors are using the on-farm studies for their final project in the Agronomy Capstone class (PS475)
ii. Junior and Seniors in the PA Sensor class (PRAG 428) are using data from the soybean on-farm website for their class project report.
iii. The goal of these classes is to help students match solutions to problems and create locally based, flexible, high profit roadmaps, which will be validated in research conducted in producer’s fields when appropriate.