In-Pond Raceway System Development to Enhance Aquaculture Feed Sector Intensification in Cambodia -- Phase III
Lead Principal Investigator:
Alan Poock, WISHH
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
Promote inclusion of soybean meal in commercial aquaculture feed and continue to increase awareness of IPRS as an aquaculture production system.
Unique Keywords:
#aquaculture, #cambodia, #education, #soybean utilization
Information And Results
Project Summary

Promote inclusion of soybean meal in commercial aquaculture feed and continue to increase awareness of IPRS as an aquaculture production system.

Project Objectives

1. Demonstrate the economics of using IPRS to increase productivity in freshwater aquaculture systems in Cambodia.

2. Expand the awareness of IPRS to Cambodian aquaculture farmers

3. Augment soybean meal inclusion and feed use efficiencies in commercial aquaculture through IPRS and modern feeding practices

4. Increase commercial sales of U.S. soy for aquaculture feed utilization in an emerging Asian market.

Project Deliverables

Growth of aquaculture, poultry, cattle, and hog industries will create further opportunity to include U.S. soybean meal in cost-effective rations. Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council (MSMC) funding would leverage USDA and QSSB funding to enhance feed sector capacity to import and effectively incorporate U.S. soybean meal in aquaculture rations using IPRS to increase soy-based feed use efficiencies.

For the U.S. to gain further market share, the intrinsic and extrinsic values must be shared, demonstrated, and promoted via farmer field days, including those planned in this project to demonstrate the benefits of IPRS The Cambodian market prefers U.S. soybean meal for its consistent quality, supply consistency and low foreign material levels, but buyers often make purchase decisions based solely on price.

By building and introducing a new aquaculture technology in Cambodia, MSMC’s investment provides CAST staff with not only local IPRS results data, but CAST could broaden the awareness and benefits within the Cambodian fish farming community of IPRS aquaculture production. Phase I data shows success with reducing FCR and faster production time to market.

Additional anticipated proposal benefits include: (1) U.S. soybean and soybean meal exports to Cambodia will increase and will gain market share, (2) targeted local feed millers and aquaculture producers will become more productive, profitable, and able to maintain and expand operations through higher feed use efficiencies, and, (3) feed processors and farmers will improve capacity for effective inclusion of U.S. soybean meal as a high-quality protein source in aquaculture rations through IPRS.

Progress Of Work

Final Project Results

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

This project directly contributes to the following 2021-2022 emphasis areas for the Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council:
Effective soybean marketing and growing existing markets, including within the field of livestock nutrition, and developing new markets for Missouri soybeans.

This project will increase demand for U.S. soybean meal for use in the aquaculture feed industry in Cambodia. Increased demand for soy leads to greater market outlets for U.S. soy, including soy from Missouri that will increase net incomes and profit opportunities for Missouri soybean farmers.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.