SOYLEIC™: A non-GMO, High Oleic Oil and Meal Program – Seed Development and Supply Chain Support
Sustainable Production
(none assigned)
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Steve Schnebly, SRS Agricultural Consulting LLC
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
Unique Keywords:
Information And Results
Project Summary

Project Objectives

Project Deliverables

Progress Of Work

Updated March 1, 2021:
1. Develop the framework to for centralized SOYLEICTM variety database:
In Progress - Zoom meetings were conducted with the public soybean breeders to outline the key objectives for this task. Each of the breeders have provided a list of released and experimental lines from their breeding programs as well as most of the key agronomic information needed to develop a “SOYLEICTM Variety Characteristics Chart”. Preliminary data from the 2020 public trials was also received for the northern region in December and advancement decisions are in the process of being made. There will be two versions of the chart. 1. An external version that will be published electronically on the Web that will be available to the public sometime in January. 2. An internal version that will contain information on precommercial experimental lines that will be used in the product advancement process as well as making winter nursery decisions.

2. Working with public and private breeding programs to establish uniform standards for fatty acid composition, protein and oil. In addition, minimum standards should be set for yield and agronomic traits to ensure varieties will perform in the targeted region:
In Progress - Multiple Zoom group and individual meetings with the public SOYLEICTM soybean breeders were conducted to review breeding strategies to not only just meet the targets for the High Oleic (HO) trait but also other key fatty acids such as linolenic acid which plays a major role in oil stability. The result of these discussions, as well as input from key industry consultants, has led to a consensus that we need to utilize all of the genetic tools available to ensure we meet a linolenic acid target of 2.5% or less. Meeting this target will ensure future varieties can be used in a broad range of applications.

Fortunately, most of the breeders had already started to make this transition and we appear to have a growing pipeline of products with this combination of traits. The next step is to take aggressive action to accelerate the commercialization of these products to meet gaps we have in the product line particularly in maturity groups 1-3. To help close these gaps, we are now taking nominations from the public breeders for lines that will be sent to Puerto Rico this winter. This activity will have the potential to get products in the hands of our farmers at least one year sooner to meet the growing demand for high oleic soybean oil. The current plan is to get the increases planted in January 2021 in order to replant in North America in May/June 2021.

Another key objective was to review the timing and procedure for releasing data from the public trials. There is a consensus the current timing (i.e. March 2021) does not match up well with industry for making real time decisions. The team is developing plans to utilize private contractors to conduct independent SOYLEIC trials in 2021 which will accelerate this process. Utilizing independent trials will also provide an opportunity to include a broader range of commercial checks that farmers and seed companies are familiar with. Plans will also be put into place to obtain a broader array of agronomic trait data via molecular markers that will also enable us to do a better job positioning varieties with seed companies and in farmers’ fields.

3. Initiate the establishment of a network for regional and major seed suppliers to distribute SOYLEICTM products to meet farmer and end-user demand.
In Progress – During this quarter, seed volumes for SOYLEIC products developed by the public sector became clearer. With this information, it is now possible to start the process of working with MSMC staff and associated Universities to make connections with regional and national seed producers to start planning production and testing plans in 2021. These efforts will begin in January and plans should be well established at the end of the next quarter.

4. Will initiate discussions with key seed industry trait providers to expand the SOYLEICTM trait beyond the Non-GM market segment
In Progress - Discussions and agreements between the universities and trait providers are confidential but can say at this time they have gone well. This has led to efforts initiated to start combining key herbicide traits with the SOYLEICTM trait.

5. Team participation in meetings with potential downstream SOYLEICTM grain processors and food companies
In Progress - Multiple Zoom meetings were conducted with MSMC staff and contractors (Russ Sanders and Dave Tegeder) to develop strategies on how we will link the supply chain with downstream markets. Initial meetings with potential regional and national accounts were well received and there appears to be strong interest in the SOYLEIC opportunity. The next step is to reconnect with these organizations in early January to start putting plans in place for production and testing in 2021. In addition to working with downstream partners, we also plan to work with the QSSB’s in the affected growing regions to help support these efforts in 2021 and beyond.

Final Project Results

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.