Resistance of Soybean Cultivars to a New Root-lesion Nematode Species in North Dakota
PI: Guiping Yan, Ph.D.
Objectives of the research
1. Evaluate ten additional soybean cultivars to determine the levels of resistance to the new root-lesion nematode species detected in North Dakota.
2. Develop a real-time PCR assay to detect and quantify this new root-lesion nematode species directly in DNA extracts from field soil.
Completed work
To evaluate the resistance levels of ten soybean cultivars to the new root-lesion nematode species, soil samples were collected from the field where the new species was first detected. Soil samples were then thoroughly mixed together into a composite sample to ensure even distribution of nematode population. Subsequently, three subsamples were collected from the composite sample. Nematodes were then extracted from the subsamples using sieving, decanting and sucrose centrifugation methods to determine the initial population density. To confirm the species identity, DNA were extracted from the root-lesion nematodes and species-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was conducted.
Among the ten cultivars selected for resistance screening, two were from NorthStar Genetics (cultivars: NS 1492NR2 and NS 61624NXR2), two from NDSU soybean breeding program (Benson and Stutsman), and one from each of Channel (0916R2X), Integra Seed (50948N), Thunder Seed (SB-8807N), Proseed (50-90), Hefty Seed (H06X7), and Legacy Seed (LS-1138NRR2X). In addition to the ten cultivars, two positive controls were selected for comparison purposes, including the local soybean cultivar Barnes and the NorthStar Genetics cultivar NS 1911NR2. Moreover, a non-planted control was used as the negative control. After pre-germinating each of these seeds in a petri dish with water, the seeds were planted in large cone-type containers containing soil, naturally infested with the new species. Five replicates of each cultivar and the positive and negative controls were included. The plants are being maintained for growth in a greenhouse room at 22 °C.
To develop a real-time PCR (qPCR) assay to detect and quantify this new species from soil DNA, the primer set, IC-ITS1F/IC-ITS1R developed in our previous study was tested for its specificity using both nematodes and soil DNA extracts. DNA extracts from non-target root-lesion nematode species (Pratylenchus scribneri, P. neglectus and P. penetrans) were prepared and qPCR reactions were set up along with positive and negative controls. To construct the standard curve, pots with infested soil and soybean plants (Barnes) were maintained in the greenhouse for population increase. Nematodes were extracted from soil and varying number of the target nematodes (1, 4, 16, 64, and 256) including both adults and juveniles, were picked and added to 0.5 g of autoclaved soil. DNA extraction was done in triplicates for each level of inoculation using the Qiagen DNeasy PowerSoil Kit. The DNA extracts were used to set up a SYBR green based qPCR with 9 observations (3 biological replicates with 3 technical replicates) per inoculation level. DNA from uninoculated soil and ddH2O were used as negative controls and a DNA extract of the new species was used as a positive control. A dilution series using the DNA extract from a single nematode down to an equivalent of 1/128 of the nematode were prepared and qPCR reactions were run to determine the detection sensitivity.
Six field soil samples were collected from different counties of ND, and nematodes were manually extracted and counted to identify and quantify different types of nematodes in each sample. DNA extractions have been done in triplicate for these soil samples. A total of 15 soil samples naturally infested with the new root-lesion nematode species were collected from a soybean field in Richland County and nematodes were manually extracted from soil and counted twice for each sample under a microscope. From each soil sample, DNA extractions in triplicate haven been performed (45 extractions in total) and the samples are being stored at -20oC for further use in qPCR.
Preliminary results
The average initial population density of the new species of root-lesion nematodes determined from the three subsamples was 1,200 nematodes per kg of soil and then the soil is being used for the greenhouse experiment. The identity of the root-lesion nematodes was confirmed to be the new root-lesion nematode species using the species-specific PCR diagnostic method.
The qPCR detected DNA specific to the new species with quantification cycle (Cq) values ranging from 19.87 to 29.28. No fluorescent signals were detected from the non-template water control and from the non-target nematode species. Figure 1 shows the single melting peak obtained at 81.5o C and the standard curve with the equation y = -3.5528x + 28.352 (R² = 0.9908 and E = 91%). The qPCR assay was sensitive and detected an equivalent of 1/32 of the DNA of a single nematode with a detection sensitivity curve depicting y = -3.4647x + 27.944 (R² = 0.9827 and E = 94%). For the soil samples naturally infested with the new root-lesion nematode species, nematode counts from the collected field soil samples ranged from 20 - 1,240 per kg of soil.
Work to be completed
The soybean plants in the greenhouse room will be harvested 15 weeks after planting. Nematodes will be extracted from the harvested soil and roots to determine the final population density. The experiment will be repeated with the same seed lots and the data for two repetitions of the experiment will be grouped for final analysis. With the aid of previous literature, numerical ratings and qualitative classification of resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible, and susceptible will be determined for each of the cultivars tested.
For the qPCR assay development, field soil DNA extracts along with positive and negative controls will be used to set up qPCR reactions in triplicate and the data will be compared with manual counting. A qPCR estimate of the target nematode from the Cq value for each sample will be obtained using the standard curve equation. The equivalent quantity of the target nematode in each DNA template will be determined from a subsample of the same soil sample using manual nematode extraction and microscopic counting. A correlation curve will then be plotted between the nematode numbers determined by the traditional microscopic method and the numbers quantified by qPCR.
As proposed, the resistance or susceptibility of ten soybean cultivars to this new root-lesion nematode species detected in ND will be disclosed and made available to soybean farmers. A new molecular diagnostic system will be developed to detect and quantify this root-lesion nematode species directly in DNA extracts of field soil to improve detection efficiency.
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