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Through two years of research at Logan Center and eight years at the Mooreton Soil Health and Agriculture Research Extension (SHARE) Farms, research efforts have:
• Demonstrated and evaluated field-scale, whole system strategies on saline and non-saline soils
• Evaluated the economics of soil health improving strategies
• Evaluated soil health testing and how it applies to our region
• Studied the differences under conventional and no-till practices
• Studied the impact of tillage practices on crop yield, soil quality, soil moisture, and soil temperature
• Transferred science-based knowledge to ND farmers
Why the research is important to ND soybean farmers
Research being carried out as part of the SHARE Farm projects provides regional, science-based information to farmers so they can reduce risk when adopting new soil health building practices. Though the SHARE Farms are regional, there are basic concepts shown and management practices that can be adopted by farmers across the state. The SHARE Farms also let farmers see the practices first-hand: “it’s a field I can drive by where I know research is being done on the whole field and I can see how it might work on my farm” (Farmer, Richland Co).
Final findings of the research
Several conclusions can be drawn from the SHARE Farm projects:
• Tile-drainage can help manage soil salinity when used with other soil health building practices like reduced tillage, salt-tolerant crop selection and cover crops
• Soil temperature is, on average, lower and has less daily fluctuation in no-tilled as compared to conventionally tilled systems
• No-till systems help to increase soil water content under most conditions
• No-till systems (no-till plus cover crops) have a slightly lower or non-significant yield differences compared to conventional tillage
Benefits/Recommendations to North Dakota soybean farmers and industry
Following harvest this fall, final sampling at the Mooreton site will be carried out, so stay posted for final results and recommendations from that location. For updates on the SHARE Farm project, and other soil health news visit the NDSU Soil Health webpage (NDSU.edu/soilhealth) or follow Abbey Wick on Twitter (@NDSUsoilhealth).