Determining Suitable Planting Date and Soil Temperature for Enhanced Growth and Yield of Soybean Under No-till Semi-arid Condition
(Mid-Year Report)
Gautam Pradhan, PI
NDSU Williston Research Extension Center
To find out the optimal soybean planting date for western ND.
To determine an optimal soil temperature (at 4” depth) for planting soybean at western ND.
Completed works
Two glyphosate-tolerant soybean varieties (treated with Obvious @ 4.6 oz / 100 lb seed and not treated seeds) were seeded at Williston Research Extension Center, Williston, ND on 2nd, 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of May, and 5th and 11th of June 2020 using a 7 rows no-till plot planter.
Soil moisture and temperature data at 4 inches depth were recorded from May 5th to September 30th, 2020.
Unmanned aircraft systems equipped with multispectral, thermal, or RGB cameras were flown over the experimental field to assess canopy temperature (CT), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and normalized difference Red Edge (NDRE.
At maturity, plant height was measured, biomass was collected from nine square feet, and the crop was harvested using a plot combine.
Preliminary results
2020 is an extremely drought year. We received annual precipitation of seven inches (from October 1st, 2019 to September 30th, 2020), which was half of the precipitation compared to an average of the last 63 years. This year, the first fall killing freeze occurred on September 8th, 2020, a month earlier than in 2019 (Fig. 1).
Averaged across other treatments, there was a significant effect of seeding date on plant height, yield, oil, and protein content, and a significant effect of variety on yield, oil, and protein content. An interaction effect of seeding date × variety was evident on grain yield and oil content. There was no effect of applied treatments on test weight, the average test weight across the treatments was 56.8 lb/bu. The effect of seed treatment was not evident on soybean growth, yield, and quality.
Averaged across variety and seed treatment, soybean seeded from May 2nd to 22nd, 2020 was about 18” tall. The plant height decreased drastically when seeding was delayed to May 29th or June 2020 (Fig. 2).
Averaged across seed treatment, when soybean was seeded from May 2nd to May 22nd, 17009GT and 18008GT yielded about 11.4 bu/ac and 10.1 bu/ac of grain, respectively. When seeding was delayed to May 29th, the yield of 17009GT decreased by 45% and that of 18008GT decreased by 24%. A further delay of seeding to June yielded no grain at all (Fig. 3). An early first fall freeze that occurred on September 8th killed all the plants and soybeans seeded in June could not produce grain.
Averaged across variety and seed treatment, soybean seeded from May 15th to 22nd had the highest grain protein content (~38%), which declined by 1 to 2.7% when the crop was seeded earlier or later in the month (Fig. 4). Averaged across other treatments, variety 17009GT had 1.8 % more grain protein content than the variety 18008GT (Fig. 5).
Averaged across seed treatment, 17009GT and 18008GT had about 22.85 % grain oil content when the crop was seeded from May 2nd to May 8th. When seeding was delayed, the oil content decreased by 0.64 to 1.75 % in 17009GT, and by 0.28 to 0.86 % in 18008GT (Fig. 6).
Works to be completed
We will be processing and analyzing the data on yield components from biomass, the data on growth and physiology from aerial images acquired with UAS, and the data on soil moisture and soil temperature collected with different sensors.
We acknowledge the financial support of the North Dakota Soybean Council. Mention of trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by North Dakota State University and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products which may also be suitable.
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