Effects of growth conditions on the anti-inflammatory bioactivity of soybean sprout
Human foodHuman health
Lead Principal Investigator:
Toshihiro Obata, University of Nebraska
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
In this FY21 project, alteration of chemical compositions in soybeans and their sprouts would be determined in the plants experienced heat and drought stress at the grain filling stage (R5-R6) with the special focus on the bioactive compounds identified in the FY20 project. The chemical profiles of the soybean and its sprout will be analyzed in relation to the germination rates, growth rate to produce sprout, and the anti-inflammatory activity. Results of this research will be used to assess the plasticity of the production of bioactive compounds in soybeans and establish growth conditions to maintain high anti-inflammatory activities in sprouted soybeans.
Unique Keywords:
#foods use
Information And Results
Project Summary

In this FY21 project, alteration of chemical compositions in soybeans and their sprouts would be determined in the plants experienced heat and drought stress at the grain filling stage (R5-R6) with the special focus on the bioactive compounds identified in the FY20 project. The chemical profiles of the soybean and its sprout will be analyzed in relation to the germination rates, growth rate to produce sprout, and the anti-inflammatory activity. Results of this research will be used to assess the plasticity of the production of bioactive compounds in soybeans and establish growth conditions to maintain high anti-inflammatory activities in sprouted soybeans.

Project Objectives

Continuous dietary intake of foods with anti-inflammatory bio-activities is a promising approach to prevent chronic inflammation, one of the significant threats for health in the US citizen. Potential anti-inflammatory bioactivity in soybean sprouts has been revealed by the PIs in the Nebraska Soybean Board funded FY19 and FY20 research projects. The bioactivity should be largely depending on the availabilities of compounds, including phytochemicals and bioactive peptides in the gastrointestinal digests of the sprout, which are affected by the growth conditions of parental plants. In this FY21 project, the effects of heat and drought on the chemical composition of the soybean and further the anti-inflammatory activity of soybean sprout will be analyzed to assess the stability of bioactivity in the soybean derived diets.

Project Deliverables

The anti-inflammatory activity of the soybean sprout is unpublished knowledge generated by PIs in the NSB funded projects in FY19 and 20. The results obtained in this FY21 project will facilitate the production of health beneficial soybean sprouts and have a potential to improve the activity. The effects of cropping conditions on the health beneficial
effects of functional foods is a novel aspect despite its importance in stable production of the foods with anticipated functions. The obtained results will also enhance our understanding of metabolism in soybeans and the effects of the growth conditions on seed quality.

Progress Of Work

Final Project Results

Updated May 19, 2023:

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Benefit To Soybean Farmers

Health benefits is an emerging issue when the consumer chooses dietary products. The scientifically demonstrated health benefit potentially impacts the consumer behavior to increase the consumption of soybean-derived diets and market values of them. It should be noted that nearly 60 million individuals in the US are suffering from chronic metabolic disorders and the economic impact can be significant.
Soybean production is often affected by abnormal environmental conditions including heat and drought. These significantly impact not only yields, but also the chemical composition of soybeans, which may lead to the alteration of the anti-inflammatory activity. Understanding the effects of environmental conditions is crucial to ensure the production of soybeans for generating sprouts with high bioactivity.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.