Updated April 27, 2021:
Goals of this project are:
• Focus on regulatory activities at the state level, both for established and emerging markets.
• Monitor every state regulatory and legislative proceedings in the nation.
• Ensure decision-makers fully understand technical issues associated with biodiesel and related industries.
We continue to work closely with staff at the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to increase biodiesel blends sold in the state. We remain engaged with CARB on the test program they are conducting to determine if combinations of biodiesel and renewable diesel (RD) offer unique emission benefits (NOx and PM) that the state may wish to incentivize in future rulemakings or through other policy mechanisms. Technical feedback to CARB by NBB and member companies have helped clarify and resolve issues so that the testing can continue as planned.
We continue to work with New York regulators to determine biodiesel's role under the recently passed Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, which requires an economy-wide reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 40% by 2030. Those discussions have focused on biodiesel's immediate environmental and public health benefits that accrue when biodiesel is used to displace more carbon-intensive liquid fuels in transportation and space heating applications.
On the Bioheat front, NBB has been engaged with and provided substantial comments to the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEEP) to address various points DEEP staff raised in a recent report with regard to NOx emissions. We provided combustion chemistry and other technical information to rebut the erroneous conclusions contained in the report and continue discussions with DEEP staff on how to best address their NOx concerns moving forward.
NBB staff continues to work closely with several other regulatory agencies regarding development and implementation of programs designed to reduce GHG emissions. Besides California, New York, and Connecticut, we have been working with regulators in Washington state, Oregon, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Biodiesel continues to be of interest in these states since it offers a GHG benefit of at least 50% relative to fossil fuel.