View uploaded report 2 
Take Off ST treated seed significantly improved soybean emergence over the non-treated control, Carbon, and Seed+ treatments at WMREC but not WYE; we observed this same trend in 2019. Soil type and planting time could be influencing this trend in the data, as in 2020 and 2019, WMREC trials were planted first and into cooler soils. These data indicate a possible benefit to Take Off ST when soybeans are planted into similar soil types and/or early in the season when soils are cooler. Future research will be focused on Take Off ST as a function of planting date to determine if this seed treatment is a viable option for improving soybean stands at earlier planting dates.
As part of this project in 2020, we intended to conduct controlled growth chamber studies with Take Off ST and Seed+ treated seed as various temperatures against a non-treated control to determine if there are any germination differences at different temperatures. Due to COVID-19 precautions, we were not able to conduct this experiment this summer. The growth chamber experiments will resume once COVID telework restrictions are lifted.
NDVI and Canopy Height
NDVI and canopy height ratings indicate no difference between treatments and suggest that these products do no influence these plant characteristics.
Grain Yield
Yields were above average at WYE and below average at WMREC due to summer precipitation. WYE saw record rainfall in August, which made for prolific flower and pod production while WMREC received just over an inch rain for August, causing flower drop and pod abortion.
For a second year in a row, we did not observe any statistical differences in grain yield between treatments. Interestingly, even though Take Off ST improved emergence at the WMREC location, it did not translate into an improvement in yield. This is likely due to the fact that soybeans can compensate for reduced stands by branching, setting more pods, and making more seeds per pod and larger seeds.
None the treatments affected grain moisture or test weight.
Future research will be focused on understanding the effect Take Off ST on soybeans planted at different planting dates in comparison to a non-treated control.