• 4,000 student contacts will participate in at least one hands-on educational lesson series focusing on soybeans and their uses
• 4,000 student contacts will increase their overall awareness, knowledge and attitude about the soybean, soybean growers/farmers, on-farm practices, products and career opportunities by 50%
• 4,000 student contacts will increase their overall perception of the soybean and soybean growers/farmers by 75%
• Students participating in soil types and soil health lessons will understand and value on-farm soil conservation practices and a renewed understanding of the value of soil health to the farmer, our environment and to them personally as future consumers.
• Students engaged in genetic modification lessons will develop a greater understanding of the need for this technology and its value in improving agricultural sustainability and resource use.Their perception of genetic modification will increase by 50%.
• Students and educators will increase their understanding and appreciation for the many and varied job and career opportunities available in both the soybean industry and production agriculture by 50%.