ILSoyAdvisor Content Strategy and Management
Studies show that 47% of patrons consume 3 – 5 pieces of content before implementing behavior change or acting on content information. If we rely only on blog content, we limit our opportunities for engagement and influencing a grower’s decision-making process. In FY19 we will implement a strategic digital and social media approach using a content calendar to help ensure regular and diversified communications throughout the year. We will use a series of web banners and social media posts to help engage farmers and influencers and drive them to the ISA website for relevant and timely information.
Leverage soybean checkoff dollars to meet farmer needs for actionable content related to increasing yields, profitability, technology adoption, sustainability and best management practices
Focus website content on agronomics, farmer profitability, best management practices, sustainability and all other actionable farmer practices relative to yield and profitability (i.e., double-crop practices, University research trial results and others)
Map the digital user’s journey for lead generation, to identify the audience’s channels/tactics by which they receive information and reach our blog, investigate the strongest CTA’s, create success metrics and pull regular analytic reports to measure success and identify areas of growth—all of which will lend to a formal content strategy for all ILSoyAdvisor digital platforms
Write a cohesive Digital and Social Strategy to govern the production and promotion of content; includes regular analytics reporting and room for reevaluating and redirection
Manage day-to-day social media execution, maintain SproutSocial membership for scheduling posts and collecting analytic insights, engage with target audiences, post regularly and reply to audience engagement when appropriate
Develop and manage engaging content based on an editorial calendar
Create a content calendar each month that outlines the upcoming content, organizes the posts per outlet, and is strategically aligned with all ISA digital and social channels, programs and events that farmers would be interested in learning about
Schedule monthly editorial meetings with the ILSoyAdvisor editorial team to review the content calendar and discuss execution
Schedule quarterly calls with the Yield and Profitability team to review metrics, accomplishments and next steps
Coordinate with outside contributors to provide regular, timely and localized information throughout the season
Include standard written blog posts as well as rich media posts, such as podcasts and videos
Leverage paid media support across digital platforms to drive traffic and reach target audiences throughout the year
Promote @ILSoyAdvisor Twitter handle as a trusted source of timely, local information for Illinois soybean farmers, agronomic experts (CCAs) and agricultural media
Maintain a social media content calendar based on the Digital Strategy and blog editorial calendar with regularly scheduled tweets, as well as occasional promoted (paid) posts for special events and activities
Build followers from 743 to at least 900 in FY19 by promoting through the @ILSoybean and @ILSoyAdvisor Twitter handles, CCA Soy Envoy platforms, and at ISA and ILSoyAdvisor events
Provide responsive and ongoing planning, counsel and client services
Participate in weekly team calls and meeting attendance, as requested
Supply regular digital analytics each quarter
Produce quarterly and final reports
Provide regular client updates on project status and budgets
Develop weekly content updates, coordinate media interviews, and respond to all other ad-hoc client requests as needed
Develop a webinar series that extends the length of the fiscal year, providing one ISA-sponsored webinar per month
Connect with content experts and industry sponsors to develop a content calendar and identify presentations to share via webinar on ILSoyAdvisor
Pay for monthly webinar-hosting service
Apply for and provide CEU credits to CCAs looking to maintain their certification within the industry
Offer technical webinar opportunities to ISA Corporate Sponsors for a fee, an added benefit to the corporate sponsor program
Write and send post-webinar recap reports and analytics, share webinar recap on ILSoyAdvisor and with industry partners
Improve webinar optimization through tactics including, but not limited to: A/B subject line testing, handouts and polling features in GoToMeeting, refine registration page content capture and reevaluate the post-webinar survey to determine the most efficient and effective data/information to collect from attendees
Creative Design, Paid/Programmatic Support
This project includes concepting and designing creative assets to support and promote the ILSoyAdvisor content through paid and original channels:
Leverage tactics such as, but not limited to: search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), programmatic and retargeting banner ads and native content placement into the overall digital marketing strategy to promote content on ILSoyAdvisor and the Advisor events
Create a comprehensive media buy schedule with the goal of increasing awareness of ILSoyAdvisor programs and content, extending the reach of the brand, and driving traffic to the ILSoyAdvisor channels
Update and resize existing print and digital advertisements based on the overall Digital Strategy and editorial/content calendar
Invest in a native content campaign through a reputable third party ag industry media channel, to place ILSoyAdvisor blog content on their website and editorial platforms, which will drive awareness of the ILSoyAdvisor programs and direct readers back to our web platform for more useful and actionable content
Provide assets needed based on ISA’s existing media placements
Design assets to support the ISA digital channels—ILSoyAdvisor blog, website, @ILSoyAdvisor Twitter, @ILSoybean Twitter, ISA Facebook, and others as needed
Investigate the need and opportunity to provide a portal/platform for displaying soybean research results from various stakeholder sources
ILSoyAdvisor Writing, PR and Media Relations
This project includes general writing, PR and media relations support related to helping farmers increase yields and profitability, including:
Development of Illinois Field & Bean articles, including supplemental posts for ILSoyAdvisor and social media channels for each article
Regular, planned media relations efforts, including proactive pitching, media advisory content, and promoting ISA efforts with local and national media outlets, including Chicago-area newspapers and business trade publications
Write interview questions, facilitate podcast interviews to support the monthly ISA Board Podcast
ILSoyAdvisor at Farm Progress Show
This project includes onsite support and audience engagement at the Illinois Farm Progress Show.
Write talking points announcing ILSoyAdvisor’s presence at the 2019 Farm Progress Show
Design and produce giveaway collateral to hand out at the booth
Onsite support, social media updates, key audience engagement at Farm Progress Show
Encourage CCA Soy Envoy engagement/participation in the Farm Progress Show space
Planning and counsel in preparation for Farm Progress Show
Set-up, management and teardown of ILSoyAdvisor trade show display and collateral
Engage with target audiences, encourage weekly updates sign-ups, promote ILSoyAdvisor programs (webinars, events, blog, social media, yield challenge, etc.) and collect email addresses and contact information for both ISA Information Memberships and ILSoyAdvisor Program use
ILSoyAdvisor Website Updates and Maintenance
This project includes routine maintenance for ILSoyAdvisor including, but not limited to:
Assistance with site errors
Repairing nonfunctioning widgets and minor updates
Bug maintenance from website migration
Training required for website migration and new site management
ILSoyAdvisor Planning and Counsel
This project includes ongoing communications support for planning and counsel related to helping farmers increase yields and profitability while becoming better managers of their farm’s business operations, including:
Day-to-day project management
Collaborate with all other ISA contractors and team members, sharing files and information to facilitate project execution
Weekly, monthly and quarterly team calls and/or other status reporting
Quarterly and final reports
Other ad hoc requests from ISA staff and directors
Integrated Content Calendar
CRM Support and Maintenance
Issues Monitoring
Website Updates
Soybean Master Adviser Award
This project includes the support and promotion of the Master Adviser award which includes:
Charleston|Orwig to participate/coordinate:
Client calls and planning meetings
Write the call for award entries and update website copy and nomination form
Share announcement on, ILSoyAdvisor blog, social media channels and to IL-CCA, IFCA and industry partners
Design winner award certificate
Write and distribute the award winner press release, help present the award winner at the Soybean Summit lunch
ISA staff will secure the award plaque and check for the award winner
ISA Director of Strategic Research will assemble the selection panel, secure entries, organize for award winner selection
ISA Meeting Support
This project includes the ad hoc meeting support upon client request which could include:
IWA/ISA double-crop conference
Provide social media meeting support
Media relations for other meetings
Trade show booth support as needed/requested
Agronomy Roundtable support
ISA Technical Coordinator Writing Fee
This project includes paid support for the ISA Technical Advisor to contribute articles to the ILSoyAdvisor blog each month; Charleston|Orwig will pay for time and professional insights in managing the CCA Soy Envoy editorial contributors and ILSoyAdvisor platform.
CCA Soy Envoy Program
FY19 marks the fifth year of the highly successful collaboration between Illinois Certified Crop Advisers (IL-CCA) and ISA, providing support for the CCA program, helping to increase the awareness and influence of the CCA group, the individual CCA Soy Envoys and their respective companies.
As local experts, the CCA Soy Envoys extend ISA’s reach and help position ISA as a trusted source of expert management information. The program also demonstrates to growers how their checkoff dollars are invested in programs that provide tangible, local observations and recommendations for increasing yields, enhancing profits and protecting the environment.
CCA Soy Envoy Media Relations & ILSoyAdvisor Posting
This program includes collaborating with the CCA Soy Envoys for monthly content, including:
Soy Envoy articles, podcasts and webinars
Ongoing communications with Soy Envoys; enforce copy deadlines, edit/proof articles, post to ILSoyAdvisor each month
Interact with Soy Envoys via social media and ILSoyAdvisor Twitter account; share their content and latest articles
Provide CCA Soy Envoys and their companies the opportunity to host an ISA-sponsored webinar
Leverage CCA Soy Envoys to share soybean management information through different channels
Promote Soy Envoy podcasts as interview opportunities with local ag radio broadcasters
Share monthly blog articles with Illinois Field & Bean editor for a dedicated column written by Soy Envoys
CCA Soy Envoy Training & Meeting Attendance
This project includes creating a training curriculum to prepare the Soy Envoys for their roles and responsibilities throughout the season, including:
Develop writing, blogging, social media tips and tactics to be successful in content creation for ILSoyAdvisor
Provide CCA Soy Envoy-branded shirts and “thank-you” gifts at kickoff training meeting
Schedule individual and group photographs at IL Farm Bureau of CCA Soy Envoys, to be used on the website and other promotional materials
CCA Program Materials
This project includes providing the CCA Soy Envoys with some ISA Soy Envoy-branded swag including, but not limited to:
Polo shirts
“Thank-you” gifts
Handouts and meeting materials at the at kickoff training meeting
Professional headshots
CCA Soy Envoy Planning & Counsel
This project includes ongoing communications support for planning and counsel related to leveraging CCA Soy Envoys to share soybean management information through different channels, including:
Provide responsive and ongoing planning, counseling and client service
Participate in regular team calls and meeting attendance as needed
Produce quarterly and final reports and regular client updates on project status and budgets
Develop weekly content updates, coordinate media interviews and respond to all other ad hoc client requests as needed
Day-to-day project management
Other ad hoc requests from ISA staff and directors
Travel expenses
Integrated Content Calendar
CRM Support and Maintenance