Boots on the Ground: Validation of Benchmarking Process through an Integrated On-Farm Partnership
Sustainable Production
Field management Nutrient managementSoil healthTillageYield trials
Lead Principal Investigator:
Shawn Conley, University of Wisconsin
Co-Principal Investigators:
Patricio Grassini, University of Nebraska
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:

This is part of a 3-year collaborative project with the primary goal of evaluating agronomic practices with greatest potential for increasing soybean yields for a given combination of climate and soil (a “technology extrapolation domain [TED]”). Evaluations will help to demonstrate key management factors in each state and across the region that can be used by producers to increase soybean yield, input efficiency, and profit while minimizing the environmental footprint. Because on-farm trials will be run across a wide range of climates and soils, results will also be useful to producers in states other than those in the project.

Key Benefactors:
farmers, agronomists, Extension crop specialists

Information And Results
Project Deliverables

By the end of this 3-year project, we will have validated a novel research approach that utilizes self-reported on-farm production practices, together with on-farm validation, to identify management practices with greatest impact on farm yield and profit. We will also strengthen state-to-state research collaboration through the managed coordination of the on-farm partnership, build farmer-to-farmer networks and identify and communicate key management practices that increase soybean productivity and ROI.

Final Project Results

Updated January 29, 2021:
We had an annual kick-off meeting with project collaborators in November 7, 2020. At this meeting we discussed project objectives, outputs and logistics, and we agreed on minor protocol changes to enhance the experimental design and resulting output. Project PIs Grassini (NE) and Conley (WI), along with Dr. Juan Ignacio Rattalino Edreira (NE), Dr. Jose Andrade (NE), Dr. Spyridon Mourtzinis (WI), Mr. Adam Roth (WI) and Mr. John Gaska (WI) continue to supervise data collection and are responsible to quality control the data and input them into a digital database. The NE-WI core team has had bi-monthly Skype calls to discuss and monitor project progress. The core team has also developed and distributed detailed field protocols and data collection methods to ensure consistency in the experiments conducted across states. State collaborators were requested to identify fields before April 15, 2021. The number of collected fields for 2020 was 53.

The NE-WI core team actively promotes and distributes output from this project. In-season live Twitter interviews with participating growers occurred in the 2019 growing season with farmers in IA, WI, IL, and OH. The core team also developed an Extension publication with year 1 results that was widely distributed and is housed on SRII and www.coolbean.info. In short, the “Improved system” increased yield by 3.2 bu/ac (5.5 bu/a in 2019) and profit by $31/a ($51/a in 2019). Protein, oil, and AA data were also collected. A full report including 2020 results will be posted on www.coolbean.info in early February.

The NE-WI core team has been actively utilizing the legacy data from the initial NCSRP project and other on-farm networks across the NC US region. To date, we have published seven manuscripts from these legacy data (listed below). We have also synthesized all of the data from the original Benchmarking project into an Extension publication entitled: Benchmarking Soybean Production Systems in the North Central US. This publication has been shared with all collaborators and published through multiple venues.

1. Azzari, G. et al. 2019. SATELLITE MAPPING OF TILLAGE PRACTICES IN THE NORTH CENTRAL US REGION FROM 2005-2016. Remote Sensing of Environment 229: 417-429. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2018.11.010

2. Andrade, J.F. et al, 2019. Assessing the influence of row spacing on US soybean yield using experimental and producer survey data. Field Crops Research 230: 98-106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2018.10.014

3. Rattalino Edreira, IR et al. 2020. From sunlight to seed: assessing limits to solar radiation capture and conversion in agro-ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 280 107775. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107775

4. Matcham, E., S. Mourtzinis, S. P. Conley, J. I. Rattalino Edreira, P. Grassini, A. Roth, S. N. Casteel, I. A. Ciampitti, H. J. Kandel, P. M. Kyveryga, M. A. Licht, D. S. Mueller, E. D. Nafziger, S. L. Naeve, J. Stanley, M. J. Stanton, and L. E. Lindsay. 2020. Management Considerations for Early and Late-Planted Soybean in the North Central US. Agronomy Journal 1-16 doi:10.1002/agj2.20289.

5. Rattalino Edreira, J. I., S. Mourtzinis, G. P. Azzari, J. Andrade, S. P. Conley, J. E. Specht, and P. Grassini. 2020. Combining field-level data and remote sensing to understand impact of management practices on producer yields. Field Crops Research 257 107932 doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107932.

6. Mourtzinis, S et al. 2020. Assessing approaches for stratifying producer fields based on biophysical attributes for regional yield-gap analysis. Field Crops Research. 254 107825 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107825.

7. Mourtzinis, S., J. Andrade, P. Grassini, J. I. Rattalino Edreira, H. J. Kandel, S. L. Naeve, K. Nelson, M. Helmers, and S. P. Conley. 2021. Assessing benefits of artificial drainage on soybean yield in the North Central US region. Agricultural Water Management 243 106425 doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106425.

Despite the reduced funding, by the end of this 3-year project, we will have validated a novel research approach that utilizes self-reported on-farm production practices, together with on-farm validation, to identify management practices with greatest impact on farm yield and profit. Consequently, we will strengthen state-to-state research collaboration through the managed coordination of the on-farm partnership, build farmer-to-farmer networks and identify and communicate key management practices that increase soybean productivity and return of investment.

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We had an annual kick-off meeting with project collaborators in November 7, 2020. At this meeting we discussed project objectives, outputs and logistics, and we agreed on minor protocol changes to enhance the experimental design and resulting output. Project PIs Grassini (NE) and Conley (WI), along with Dr. Juan Ignacio Rattalino Edreira (NE), Dr. Jose Andrade (NE), Dr. Spyridon Mourtzinis (WI), Mr. Adam Roth (WI) and Mr. John Gaska (WI) continue to supervise data collection and are responsible to quality control the data and input them into a digital database. The NE-WI core team has had bi-monthly Skype calls to discuss and monitor project progress. The core team has also developed and distributed detailed field protocols and data collection methods to ensure consistency in the experiments conducted across states. State collaborators were requested to identify fields before April 15, 2021. The number of collected fields for 2020 was 53.

The NE-WI core team actively promotes and distributes output from this project. In-season live Twitter interviews with participating growers occurred in the 2019 growing season with farmers in IA, WI, IL, and OH. The core team also developed an Extension publication with year 1 results that was widely distributed and is housed on SRII and www.coolbean.info. In short, the “Improved system” increased yield by 3.2 bu/ac (5.5 bu/a in 2019) and profit by $31/a ($51/a in 2019). Protein, oil, and AA data were also collected. A full report including 2020 results will be posted on www.coolbean.info in early February.

The NE-WI core team has been actively utilizing the legacy data from the initial NCSRP project and other on-farm networks across the NC US region. To date, we have published seven manuscripts from these legacy data (listed below). We have also synthesized all of the data from the original Benchmarking project into an Extension publication entitled: Benchmarking Soybean Production Systems in the North Central US. This publication has been shared with all collaborators and published through multiple venues.

1. Azzari, G. et al. 2019. SATELLITE MAPPING OF TILLAGE PRACTICES IN THE NORTH CENTRAL US REGION FROM 2005-2016. Remote Sensing of Environment 229: 417-429. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2018.11.010

2. Andrade, J.F. et al, 2019. Assessing the influence of row spacing on US soybean yield using experimental and producer survey data. Field Crops Research 230: 98-106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2018.10.014

3. Rattalino Edreira, IR et al. 2020. From sunlight to seed: assessing limits to solar radiation capture and conversion in agro-ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 280 107775. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107775

4. Matcham, E., S. Mourtzinis, S. P. Conley, J. I. Rattalino Edreira, P. Grassini, A. Roth, S. N. Casteel, I. A. Ciampitti, H. J. Kandel, P. M. Kyveryga, M. A. Licht, D. S. Mueller, E. D. Nafziger, S. L. Naeve, J. Stanley, M. J. Stanton, and L. E. Lindsay. 2020. Management Considerations for Early and Late-Planted Soybean in the North Central US. Agronomy Journal 1-16 doi:10.1002/agj2.20289.

5. Rattalino Edreira, J. I., S. Mourtzinis, G. P. Azzari, J. Andrade, S. P. Conley, J. E. Specht, and P. Grassini. 2020. Combining field-level data and remote sensing to understand impact of management practices on producer yields. Field Crops Research 257 107932 doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107932.

6. Mourtzinis, S et al. 2020. Assessing approaches for stratifying producer fields based on biophysical attributes for regional yield-gap analysis. Field Crops Research. 254 107825 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107825.

7. Mourtzinis, S., J. Andrade, P. Grassini, J. I. Rattalino Edreira, H. J. Kandel, S. L. Naeve, K. Nelson, M. Helmers, and S. P. Conley. 2021. Assessing benefits of artificial drainage on soybean yield in the North Central US region. Agricultural Water Management 243 106425 doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106425.

Despite the reduced funding, by the end of this 3-year project, we will have validated a novel research approach that utilizes self-reported on-farm production practices, together with on-farm validation, to identify management practices with greatest impact on farm yield and profit. Consequently, we will strengthen state-to-state research collaboration through the managed coordination of the on-farm partnership, build farmer-to-farmer networks and identify and communicate key management practices that increase soybean productivity and return of investment.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.