Updated October 10, 2019:
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Caterpillar pests cause more losses to North Carolina growers than they may realize. For example, while many growers might not claim to have a problem with insect pests, most growers end up spraying for them. In 2014, caterpillar pest numbers were about average-neither really abundant or absent. However, during this year, caterpillar pests caused an estimated $43.7 million dollar loss and cost of control in North Carolina soybean. One way to reduce these losses is to identify where pests are present, to minimize unnecessary sprays where they are not, and to identify where expensive caterpillar insecticides are needed and where they are not. For example, this study showed that soybean loopers are highly resistant to pyrethroids, like bifenthrin, in North Carolina. As a result, pyrethroidscan flare looper populations even when tank mixed with a caterpillar-specific insecticide, like chlorantraniliprole. This research will help North Carolina soybean growers select the most effective and inexpensive insecticide for both corn earworm and loopers during 2019.