This proposal provided our County Extension Agents with the financial resources to conduct County based activities to showcase the diverse and impactful applied soybean research that has been conducted across North Carolina. These mini-proposals allowed for agent driven soybean research and extension efforts at the County level. Support was also provided for hosting an annual Soybean Agent Training where agents can see field demonstrations and interface with diverse soybean experts on the fundamentals and the latest research. One way to make sure agents have the most up-to-date production information is by hosting an annual Soybean Agent Training where agents can see field demonstrations and interface with diverse soybean experts. Of the County Extension Agents that completed the survey (n=15), they said their soybean knowledge increased by 23% and 73% of agents were very likely to recommend this training to other County Extension Agents. The funds provided by NCSPA allowed for installation on several field demonstrations including a planting date by maturity group demonstration, cereal rye cover crop in soybeans, and a rotational study.