Reducing Deer Damage to Soybean Using Forage Soybean as Biological Fencing
Sustainable Production
Biotic stressCrop protectionField management Pest
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Nicole Fiorellino, University of Maryland
Co-Principal Investigators:
Nicole Fiorellino, University of Maryland
Bo Zhang, Virginia Tech
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Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Leveraged Funding (Non-Checkoff):
Matching funds from Delaware Soybean Board amounting to 15,280. Formed a collaborative project with PI's from University of Delaware, Virginia Tech, and University of Maryland donating their time at 5% load, annually.
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Brief Project Summary:

Wildlife damage – particularly from deer – has become a top challenge for many soybean farmers, especially in fields near woodlands. Surveys estimate that deer cause crop losses of $100 million annually. Traditional deer management strategies for farmers include hunting, fences and repellent. This project explores an alternative management strategy, biological fencing. Forage soybeans have potential to be used as a ‘deer fence’ on the borders of fields to protect yield in the majority of the field. Objectives are to compare yield losses between unfenced and biologically fenced soybean plots and to investigate the causes of deer preferences for specific soybeans.

Key Benefactors:
farmers, agronomists, Extension agents

Information And Results
Project Deliverables

Primarily, two treatments will be conducted: no fence in a traditional RR soybean grown for grain as positive control, and a "biological fence" using forage type soybean with RR trait that could be used for RR soybean growers. Three replications of each treatment will be applied on each field. The RR soybean for grain will be harvested when mature. The yield of each plot will be recorded to compare the effect of biological fence. Our hypothesis for objective 1 is that plot yield with biological fencing is significantly higher than the plots without fencing. Our hypothesis for objective 2 is that concentrations of sucrose, glucose, and/or fructose will be higher in the foliage of forage soybeans compared to soybeans grown primarily for grain.

Final Project Results


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Forage soybean yield on farms - Complete crop loss of the forage soybean due to deer overgrazing was observed on several of the fields in 2019. Project PI’s were disappointed with results in reducing deer damage in 2019 compared to 2018. Because we felt that we did not have enough deer pressure in 2018, we intentionally put the trials in areas of known high deer populations, leading to grazing of the forage soybeans at or near emergence, inhibiting the plant’s ability to establish itself. This is demonstrated in Figure 1, showing the extremely low yields in the areas of this field near treeline border. A possible factor in the difference between 2018 and 2019 is that all of the trials in 2019 were planted earlier then in 2018.

Because of the disappointing results in 2019, investigators at University of Delaware are conducting a demonstration project on double crop beans using deer repellant to provide the forage soybeans a chance to emerge and establish themselves prior to heavy grazing by deer. It may have been beneficial to apply deer repellent on sprayed our forage beans with deer repellant to buy them time.
Variety Yield, bu ac-1 (mean ± standard error)
73P93R 34 ± 3 a
7447XTS 26 ± 3 bc
AG48X9 31 ± 4 ab
BigFellow 14 ± 2 d
S53-F7X 25 ± 3 c
V12-4590 17 ± 1 d

Soybean yield at Beltsville REC – Six varieties, including one forage soybean variety (BigFellow) were evaluated for yield and sugar content in 2019. Yield measurements below demonstrate the low yield observed in the BigFellow forage soybean variety compared to the rest of the agricultural soybean varieties. The BigFellow performed similarly to V12-4590 variety, however this variety was planted extremely late and its yield potential was likely limited due to this.
Foliar sugar content – Compared to last year, the foliar sugar content data was not as straightforward. The forage soybean did not have increased total sugar content at any sampling time period compared to agricultural soybeans, nor did it have increased content of the different sugar forms (fructose, glucose, or sucrose). The V12-4590 variety that was planted quite late had higher fructose concentration at the third sampling time period than any other variety evaluated. Further research should identify which sugar type is most attractive to deer and if a later planting date might increase that sugar content enough to divert deer from commodity soybeans.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.