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o Research conducted
? We transformed the commercial liquid soybean oil into a semi-solid and self-stand product, named oleogel, similar as shortenings.
? We used a single food-grade gelling agent (beta-sitosterol and monoacylglycerol), or the combinations of the two to produce soybean oil oleogels with different properties.
? We tested the physical and flow properties of the oleogels.
? We compared the properties of cookies made by soybean oleogels and commercial shortenings.
o Why the research is important to ND soybean farmers
? Partially hydrogenated soybean oil cannot be used in the food industry.
? It is urgent to develop novel technique so that soybean oil will not lose this traditional market.
o Final findings of the research
? We successfully used the soybean oleogel to fully replace commercial shortenings and prepare cookies.
? Our research results showed that soybean oil oleogels are able to replace commercial shortenings in making food products.
? The innovated soybean oil oleogels may become a novel functional food ingredients that make ND soybeans more marketable and promote additional value for the soybean crop.
o Benefits/Recommendations to North Dakota soybean farmers and industry
? The huge market potential to replace the saturated fats and partially hydrogenated soybean oils in foods using solidified soybean oil oleogel will result in an increased demand and price stability for ND soybeans farmers.
? It is highly recommended to promote this technology to the food industry and the baking industry by using soybean oil oleogels instead of tropical oil shortenings.