Objective 1: Survey soybean producers and fields across the state to estimate the amount of vole damage on soybean production and if there are certain types of cover crops that inherently have lower vole populations than average.
Results from surveys should help us understand the overall impact voles are having on soybean production within the main regions of Kentucky. Information on vole-caused replanting, loss in production, and occurrence of vole issues by acreage will all help us determine the severity of the vole issue. Preliminarily determining the role of different cover crops and how they correlate to vole damage will help inform future research in regards to selecting the types of cover crops to plant. This information may be an initial way for producers to help reduce vole populations and issues as we do not have any information related to this option at this time.
Objective 2: Evaluate three different pre-planting “burn down” application periods and their effect on vole populations and subsequent damage rates to emerging soybeans.
Previous research has shown “burn down” timing to be important for vole control within soybean fields (Hines 1993). Testing different timings of burn down while monitoring vole populations and movement related to cover crop vegetation will help us determine the importance of this potential vole control method. The results from this object will guide future recommendations to producers along with any needs for further research to help solve the vole problem for producers.
Objective 3: Determine how the three pre-planting burn down treatments affect weed populations and communities that may influence soybean production.
Results from this objective will help determine if there a decrease in weed control benefits from cover crops due to the different burn down treatments. We need to ensure that any methods used to control vole damage are not countered by a potential proliferation of weeds and poor soybean establishment.