ILSoy Advisor Summer and Winter Events
Sustainable Production
ExtensionIndustry outreach
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Cassie Yontz, Charleston/Orwig
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:

This project engages farmers throughout the state with two regional summer ILSOYADVISOR.com branded Soybean Field Day events and two regional winter ILSOYADVISOR.com branded Soybean Summits. Each event will bring growers practical information from industry experts for improving their soybean management practices in ways that help maximize yields and profitability.

Key Benefactors:
farmers, agronomists, extension specialists

Information And Results
Project Deliverables

ILSoyAdvisor.com Soybean Field Days

Field Site Identification, Sponsor Recruitment and Plot Protocol Determination

The team will identify two farmer collaborators who will lease land for the field days
The team will solicit plot sponsors or companies that will provide a protocol and a presenter who will present around a particular soybean production topic
A contractor will plant and maintain the plots
Event Planning and Coordination

Develop and execute comprehensive logistical plans for all details related to both events, including arrangements for event equipment and materials (meeting expenses listed below)
Pre-Event Publicity, Media Relations and Social Media Promotion

Develop pre-event promotional materials could include a news release, pre-event flyers, postcards, content in ISA publications, social media, advertising, etc.
Coordinate field day registrations and arrange speaker gifts
Event Equipment and Materials

Covers expenses associated with each event, from signage and handouts to catering, tents, porta-johns, etc.
Land rental costs and contractor costs to establish and manage the plots throughout the season
Event Attendance and Social Media

On-the-ground time and costs to ensure smooth operation of each event; also includes on-site social media and public relations work for post-event reports and summaries

ILSoyAdvisor.com Soybean Summits

Event Planning and Logistics

Events are planned for February 3 in Effingham and February 16 in Peoria
The team will work closely with Dustin Scott, ISA event planner, on event details
Dustin will coordinate with event locations and caterers
Dan Davidson will assist with recruiting exhibitors and speakers/topics
Charleston|Orwig will handle all pre- and post-event publicity and day-of coordination
Pre-Event Publicity, Invitations and Media Relations

Develop pre-event promotional materials, which might include a news release, pre-event flyers, postcards, content in ISA publications, social media, advertising, etc.; includes coordinating event registrations
Event Attendance and Social Media

On-the-ground time and costs to ensure smooth operation of each event; also includes on-site social media and public relations work for post-event reports and summaries

Final Project Results

Updated March 28, 2019:
Peoria Soy Summit Recap:
Funded in part by the Illinois Soybean Association checkoff program, the 2017 Peoria ILSoyAdvisor.com Soybean Summit provided a thought-provoking lineup of expert speakers sharing the latest tools and technology along with actionable recommendations to boost yields and improve bottom lines.

Below are links to several of the presentations from the event.

"Innovation in Agriculture" presented by Robert Fraley, Ph.D., Monsanto Company
View the recording here.
"Ag Outlook 2020: Short-term Bearish and Long-term Bullish" presented by Steve Johnson, Ph.D., Iowa State University
View the recording here
"Nutrient management Recommendations for Profitable Soybean Production - A Michigan Perspective" presented by Mike Staton, Michigan State University Extension
View the recording here.
"Achieving High Yield Soybeans: Truth of Fantasy" presented by Dan Froelich, Brandt Consolidated
View the recording here.
"What have we Learned from the Six Secrets of Soybean Success?" presented by Jason Haegele, Winfield United
View the recording here.
"How to Accelerate Agronomic Gain with Cutting Edge Technology and High End Management" presented by Kelli Bassett, DuPont Pioneer
View the recording here.
"Challenges and Viable Solutions in Soybean Production" presented in a panel discussion by Stephanie Porter, Lance Tarochione and Adam Day

Effingham Soy Summit Recap:
Below are links to several of the presentations from the event.

“How Do You Win in Tough Times” presented by Mike Boehlje, Purdue University
View the recording here.
"Accelerating Soybean Genetic Gain with Cutting Edge Technologies and Management" presented by Kirk Reese, Pioneer
View the recording here.
“Challenges and Successes of the Wheat Double-Crop Soybean Rotation” presented by Carrie Knott, Ph.D., University of Kentucky Grain Crops Extension Agronomist
View the recording here.
“Pursuit of Sustainable High-Yield Soybeans with a Focus on M.O.M.” presented by Howard Brown, Illini FS
View the recording here.
“Enhance Soybean Production with Plant Nutrient Sulphur” presented by Wesley Haun, Division H.J. Baker & Bro., Inc.
View the recording here.
“The Infallible Solution for Herbicide-Resistant Weeds” presented by Aaron Hager, University of Illinois
View the recording here.
“Double-Cropping: Challenges and Viable Solutions” presented in a roundtable discussion by Kelly Robertson, Ken McClintock and Carl Schwinke

Charleston|Orwig Final Report:
Output(s): Communications, event support, and brand awareness initiatives in
FY17 included:
o Action plan developed with objectives, audiences, strategies, tactics and budgets
o Advisor Event items written and submitted when strategically demanded for
Weekly Updates
o Content written and submitted for monthly media advisories and ISA board
o Developed a digital plan to strategically promote the ILSoyAdvisor events
o Created overall status document to track logistics, budget and achievements for
the Soybean Summit and Field Days
o Promoting event attendance with news releases, media outreach, direct
invitation, e-blast campaign, print ad placement, radio advertisements, paid
promotion campaign on Facebook, retargeting banner ad campaign, content in
ISA publications and organic social media posts
o Onsite management and logistics coordination
o Postevent follow-up; including attendee and presenter surveys, collation of
survey results, media follow-up, interview coordination, and content posted to
social media channels
o Updated ILSoyAdvisor logo, branding and trade show display
o Promoted ILSoyAdvisor and farmer-facing programs at the Farm Progress Show
• Outcome(s)
o As a result of our communication efforts and soybean checkoff-sponsored
events, farmers and industry influencers recognized ISA and the soybean
checkoff as being more relevant and engaged in their local areas. We also
increased awareness of better management practices for increased soybean
yields and profitability, while minimizing environmental impact.
o We actively promoted the ILSoyAdvisor brand and engaged with target
audiences on multiple platforms and at a variety of trade show events.
o Our events showcased the Illinois Soybean Association as a leader and trusted
third-party source in grower’s pursuit of their competitive edge.
o Among ag media and industry partners, we leveraged our tactics to reinforce and
strengthen awareness of ILSoyAdvisor as a provider of actionable agronomic
advice and a place to turn for expert agronomic advice and key interview
• If applicable, what were the constraint(s) on meeting the project Objective in the
contracted timeframe
o Budgets were tight, especially in Q3 and Q4 due to additional project “asks” that
we believed to be useful and important to prioritize and achieve in FY17.
Additional funding and collaboration with other Farmer Profitability projects
allowed us to produce a new ILSoyAdvisor trade show display and provide onsite support at Farm Progress Show.
o Field Day attendance may have been hampered by extreme heat and by
conflicting events sponsored by other organizations the week prior to and the
same week as ISA Field Days.
• Was the expected result/time frame achieved?
o Yes
• Describe how you accomplished your Project Performance Measures
o This program was supported with strong collaboration among other ISA
contractors. Monthly editorial calls, weekly touch base check-ins, frequent e-mail
exchanges and quarterly reporting helped facilitate this collaboration to keep all
ILSoyAdvisor event team members informed about strategy implementation,
program execution and contract successes.
• Was the project Output(s) effective in moving toward the planned Outcome?
o Yes
• Were the right expected result/time frame established?
o Yes
• Was the right audience targeted?
o Yes
• Were the right amount of resources invested?
o Yes
• What lessons were learned?
o We gained insights from user experience research conducted to support the
ILSoyAdvisor website platform:
? Growers, agronomists, industry partners and CCAs are eagerly seeking
new information and rely on a broad array of resources.
? All perceive ISA to be a good, trusted resource for information on
soybean management and profitability. Opinions are based on their
experience with our ILSoyAdvisor events, webinars and general
o Tight budgets in this campaign required flexibility and coordination between the
C|O and ISA communications team and collaboration with the Farmer BMP and
Profitability contracts. This allowed us to take advantage of ideas and
opportunities that were not anticipated when writing the FY17 proposals.
• If applicable, how will you disseminate the information generated by the project?
o Regular and sustained outreach via ISA communications vehicles, including
Weekly Updates, newsletters, Illinois Field & Bean magazine, Farmer Profitability
Radio program, ILSoyAdvisor.com and via ISA/Advisor local and regional events.
• If applicable, describe how the results will change the behavior of the target
audience and plans to accomplish this
o By leveraging our soybean checkoff funded events and programs to reach and
educate audiences on best soybean management practices, more farmers and
influencers will adopt practices to improve their yield and profitability.
• If applicable, what will be the impact on whom in the soybean industry and how
o Illinois soybean growers will produce the highest quality, most dependable,
sustainable and competitive soybeans in the global marketplace.
• Research Projects – Project Summary (include background/reasoning for doing
the project, methodology, results, and conclusion)
o N/A
• Statement of quantifiable progress toward project objective(s) achieved during
this reporting period
o ILSoyAdvisor Soybean Summits:
? The Soybean Summits engaged with more than 300 soybean growers,
industry experts, agronomists and CCAs from around Illinois
? Seven ag media representatives attended, representing both broadcast
and print
• Over 38 interviews were conducted with the likelihood additional
interviews were captured without our assistance
? Direct grower feedback from postevent survey:
• “Great opportunity to hear industry professionals who are
passionate about increasing soybean yields. This is my second
year in attendance.”
o ILSoyAdvisor Soybean Field Days:
? The two Field Days reached more than 95 growers and agriculture
industry experts. Although the second Field Day had several other
conflicting industry events, registration numbers were in line with previous
? Direct feedback from postevent survey:
• Grower – “I always look forward to attending and learning
something new that can improve my operation.”
• Industry representative – “The breakout sessions and presenters
were very personable and engaging. And the Field Day guides
were informative and well organized. It was a great event overall!”
? Paid Promotion Summary
• Search engine marketing (SEM) campaign delivered a total of
10,491 impressions
o Saw a 2.30 % average click through rate (CTR)
? Average AdWords CTR = 2%
• Device matching banner ads generated 101,051 impressions
• Retargeting banner ads generated 42,099 impressions
• Farm Journal E-Blast delivered 10,608 emails
o 8.7% opened
• Facebook ads reached 31,470 people
• Radio ads total impressions: 64,164

Below are links to several of the presentations from the event.

"Innovation in Agriculture" presented by Robert Fraley, Ph.D., Monsanto Company
View the recording here.
"Ag Outlook 2020: Short-term Bearish and Long-term Bullish" presented by Steve Johnson, Ph.D., Iowa State University
View the recording here
"Nutrient management Recommendations for Profitable Soybean Production - A Michigan Perspective" presented by Mike Staton, Michigan State University Extension
View the recording here.
"Achieving High Yield Soybeans: Truth of Fantasy" presented by Dan Froelich, Brandt Consolidated
View the recording here.
"What have we Learned from the Six Secrets of Soybean Success?" presented by Jason Haegele, Winfield United
View the recording here.
"How to Accelerate Agronomic Gain with Cutting Edge Technology and High End Management" presented by Kelli Bassett, DuPont Pioneer
View the recording here.
"Challenges and Viable Solutions in Soybean Production" presented in a panel discussion by Stephanie Porter, Lance Tarochione and Adam Day

Effingham Soy Summit Recap:
Below are links to several of the presentations from the event.

“How Do You Win in Tough Times” presented by Mike Boehlje, Purdue University
View the recording here.
"Accelerating Soybean Genetic Gain with Cutting Edge Technologies and Management" presented by Kirk Reese, Pioneer
View the recording here.
“Challenges and Successes of the Wheat Double-Crop Soybean Rotation” presented by Carrie Knott, Ph.D., University of Kentucky Grain Crops Extension Agronomist
View the recording here.
“Pursuit of Sustainable High-Yield Soybeans with a Focus on M.O.M.” presented by Howard Brown, Illini FS
View the recording here.
“Enhance Soybean Production with Plant Nutrient Sulphur” presented by Wesley Haun, Division H.J. Baker & Bro., Inc.
View the recording here.
“The Infallible Solution for Herbicide-Resistant Weeds” presented by Aaron Hager, University of Illinois
View the recording here.
“Double-Cropping: Challenges and Viable Solutions” presented in a roundtable discussion by Kelly Robertson, Ken McClintock and Carl Schwinke

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.