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Seed Rate x Planting Date. Optimal plant populations were similar for standard and oleic varieties that were planted timely as well as those planted later than ideal. The effects on quality were not evident and thus, optimizing plant population based on our traditional agronomic yield goals and/or economic returns of investment of seed are appropriate.
Intense Foliar Management. The management effects on yield were mixed within given location and variety type. Oleic varieties were more responsive to the full combinations of intense foliar management at Wanatah in 2015 (3.7 bu/ac), which still would not cover the expense of this management regime. Whereas, the oleic varieties were not responsive to any foliar management regime in 2016 at Wanatah and W. Lafayette. All applications were made prophylactically in the absence of insect and disease thresholds. If thresholds were attained, the yield responsiveness would most likely be present.
Intense foliar management did not influence the oleic composition of the oleic varieties evaluated in 2015 (Wanatah) and 2016 (Wanatah, W. Lafayette). All oleic concentrations were very high (~80%) in these trials that were planted within a normal window without pest pressures or nutrient deficiencies. Within this subset of varieties, the oleic varieties consistently produced larger seeds (~500 more seeds per lb) with greater protein concentration than the standard varieties.
Water Supply. The yield performance of standard and oleic varieties were similar in 2016 and 2017 (additional trial provided in this report). Timely irrigation events to maintain ~60% field capacity provided an additional 2.7 bu in 2016 and 7.5 bu in 2017 when averaged over varieties. The influence of irrigation regime on oleic composition was mixed between 2016 (oleic suppression by 0.5 to 2.1 percentage points) and 2017 (oleic improvement by 1.8 to 4.6 percentage points). Potential sources of oleic variations are likely linked to temperature, solar radiation, and soil moisture supply during pod development and seed fill as well as the duration of seed fill and leaf retention. We are exploring the specific differences during R5 to R7 (first seed to first signs of maturity). Due to these conflicting effects within the water regime, we are repeating these water regime trials in 2018.