Drs. Allen and Wilkerson: MS Soybean Promotion Board: $37,369
Dr. Chilvers: MI Soybean Promotion Committee: $21,000
Drs. Leandro and Mueller. IA Soybean Association. $165,419
Dr. Mathew: (1) USDA- NIFA Hatch Project (H527-14): $93,497
Drs. Mueller, Chilvers, Leandro, Mathew, Smith, Wise: North Central Soybean Research Program: $540,681
Dr. Singh: USDA NIFA Project (2017-67007-26151): $990,471
Dr. Smith: (1) WI Soybean Marketing Board: $107,402. (2) WI Soybean Marketing Board: $68,576. (3) WI Soybean Marketing Board: $36,450
Drs. Smith, Mathew, Mueller, Wise: North Central Soybean Research Program: $95,000
Drs. Wang and Chilvers: USDA-ARS, National Sclerotinia Initiative: $52,008
Dr. Wang: MI Soybean Promotion Committee: $100,000