Work with MU extension specialists to identify 12 farmers interested in the trial. Farmers will be responsible for planting the trial with the technical support of MU Extension. Prior to planting and after harvest, each strip will be soil sampled
(minimum 20 cores per sample) and analyzed for SCN count using the MU SCN Diagnostic lab. Additionally, an HG type test of a composite, end of season soil sample will be conducted on all fields.
MU Extension will obtain at least one aerial photo of the field during the growing season. MU Extension and the farmer will monitor the field through July and August identifying fields in the trial where SOS symptoms are observed. Farmers will get a report summarizing the outcome from the trial on their farm.
The MU campus team will take farm-specific results and integrate those results across locations and years while protecting the identity of participating farmers. Summary data from the trials will contribute to improvements in MU recommendations and provide all partners information on the efficiency of Missouri farmers.