Improve soybean resistance to nematodes
Sustainable Production
Lead Principal Investigator:
Bin Yu, University of Nebraska
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
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Brief Project Summary:

As the most destructive pest disease for soybean, The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) costs huge losses
every year. This project will generate a SCN resistant soybean variety using the artificial miRNA and short
hairpin RNAi , which are the next generation RNAi technologies. In addition, this project will identify the
important regulator controlling soybean’s responses to SCN infection and lead to a better understanding of
mechanisms used by soybean to fight against SCN.

Unique Keywords:
Information And Results
Project Deliverables

The goals of this research are to develop soybean varieties with high resistance to SCN using
artificial miRNA technology and short-hairpin RNAi technology and to better understand the
function of miRNA in soybean’s resistance to SCN.

Final Project Results

Updated April 18, 2018:

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