National USDA Uniform Soybean Tests / Yield, Disease Resistance and Quality Traits Evaluation of Public Breeding Lines (1820-152-0102)
Sustainable Production
(none assigned)
Lead Principal Investigator:
Anne Gillen, USDA/ARS-Stoneville, MS
Co-Principal Investigators:
Pengyin Chen, University of Missouri
Guohong Cai, USDA-ARS
Bo Zhang, Virginia Tech
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Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Leveraged Funding (Non-Checkoff):
$1,000,000+ The grant funds provided through this project are heavily leveraged against other sources of funding. Dr. Anne Gillen, Dr. Pengyin Chen and Dr. Bo Zhang each manage a large field-oriented soybean research and breeding program, and Dr. Guohong Cai manages a lab and field-oriented soybean research program. Each has large ‘in kind’ support (exceeding $250K annually per scientist) from the ARS, or their University, in the form of infrastructure and facilities. This is a cooperative test led by USDA scientists located at Stoneville, MS and West Lafayette, IN. Please see the Annual Report of the Uniform Soybean Tests – Southern States and the Annual Report of the Uniform Soybean Tests – Northern Region for all participants and cooperators in these trials.
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Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:

Unique Keywords:
#breeding & genetics, #breeding, seed composition, quality traits, yield, agronomics
Information And Results
Project Deliverables

- Seed will be received and redistributed in spring. During the summer, trials will be run at Stoneville, MS and at three locations in Indiana.
- A stem canker nursery will be run at Stoneville, MS each summer.
- Greenhouse evaluation of Rps genes will be run at West Lafayette, IN. Seed composition and SCN testing data will be obtained.
- Preliminary results of analysis of all data will be distributed to participants and collaborators prior to the Annual Meetings of the Uniform Soybean Tests.
- The Annual Meetings will be held in conjunction with the Soybean Breeders Workshop in St. Louis MO in February.
- The final formatted report will be distributed soon after all corrections have been finalized (March or earlier).
- A PDF version of the report will be posted online and distributed to interested persons and organizations (March or earlier).
- Hard copies of the final reports will be mailed to participants and libraries.

Final Project Results

Updated October 19, 2018:
Southern Test
1. All data from the 2017 trials and stem canker nursery at Stoneville were submitted in a timely fashion.
2. 2017 Seed samples for analysis from Stoneville trials were submitted on time.
3. Draft 2017 analysis results in Excel format were sent to collaborators and participants beginning on January 12, 2018. The “final” Excel formatted results of the 2017 trials were sent to all collaborators, participants and private breeders on March 13, 2018.
4. The SAS programs and Excel files used to report the results were revised in January-March 2018 to include new seed composition traits and the splitting of the Preliminary V Test in to Early and Late Tests. Therefore, he final 2017 Annual Report and Excel formatted Tables were distributed to collaborators, participants, private breeders on March 27, 2018.
5. The Annual Meeting of the Southern Test was held at Soybean Breeder’s Workshop on February 13, 2018.
6. The PDF version of the 2017 annual report was distributed on March 15, 2018 to collaborators, participants and private breeders. A PDF copy of the annual report was published online. Hard copies of the annual report were mailed in early June 2018, which is late. The part time person who copies and binds the report was not available until June to do the work.
7. Pedigree information from the 2017 tests was sent to Rex Nelson at Soybase.org for inclusion in the Soybean Parentage Database.
8. All 2018 seed was distributed on time and the trials were planted.
9. Seven tests were planted at Stoneville in April 2018 and have been harvested. Datasheets are being prepared and seed is being sent for analysis.
10. We are waiting for 2018 data from collaborators.
11. Stem canker testing at Stoneville, MS in 2018 was completed and final results are being prepared.
Northern Test
12. All data from the 2017 trials in Indiana and the phytophthora root rot test were submitted in a timely fashion.
13. 2017 seed samples for analysis from Indiana trials were submitted on time.
14. Draft Excel files of the 2017 analysis results were emailed to cooperators for review on January 5, 2018. Final results excluding SCN test were emailed to cooperators for final review on February 13, 2018. SCN testing results were received and distributed on 05/08/2018.
15. The Annual Meeting of the Northern Test was held at Soybean Breeder’s Workshop on February 13, 2018.
16. A PDF copy of the annual report was emailed to collaborators, participants and private breeders on June 1, 20180. Hard copies of the annual report were mailed to cooperators on June 22, 2018.
17. Pedigree information from the 2017 tests was sent to Rex Nelson at Soybase.org for inclusion in the Soybean Parentage Database.
18. Email Voting Sheets, Preliminary Entry and Seed Request Forms to cooperators on January 10, 2018. Compiled results and prepared entry lists in timely fashion.
19. All 2018 seed was distributed on time and the trials were planted.
20. Three tests were planted in Indiana and have not been harvested yet.
21. We are awaiting 2018 trial data.
22. 2018 Phytophthora root rot test is on schedule and will be finished very soon.
Seed Analysis by Collaborators:
1. Seed samples were analyzed for sugars in a timely fashion by Dr. Bo Zhang of Virginia Tech. The sugar data was analyzed and put into the annual reports.
2. Seed samples were analyzed for fatty acids and amino acids in a timely fashion by Dr. Pengyin Chen of Univ. of Missouri. The fatty acid and amino acid data was analyzed and put into the annual reports.

Did this project meet the intended Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Continued participation in the testing program by public breeders indicates the utility of the
testing program. In the 2017 Southern Test there were 15 soybean breeders who participated by growing tests and/or entering lines. These soybean breeders and collaborators are located in ten states and represent three ARS locations and nine Universities.

In the 2017 Northern Test there were 18 soybean breeders who participated by growing tests and/or entering lines. These soybean breeders and collaborators are located in ten states, two Canadian provinces and represent one ARS location, eleven Universities and three Canadian research organizations.

Our two KPI were met by:
1. Producing and distributing preliminary data to participants early enough to be used to make soybean line selections for the next growing season.
2. Producing and distributing the annual reports to public researchers, seed company scientists, the National Agriculture Library, and the University of Arkansas Library (Southern Test only) and Purdue University Library (Northern Test only).
3. The annual reports of both tests are available to the public online at ARS websites.
4. Soybase.org has links to the annual reports of both tests.
5. Data.gov has a link to the annual report of the Southern Test.
Expected Outputs/Deliverables -
1. Preliminary data from 2017 trials was distributed to collaborators and participants prior to the annual meeting.
2. The Annual Meeting of the Northern Test and the Southern Test were held in conjunction with the Soybean Breeders Workshop in St. Louis MO in February 2018.
3. The 2017 Annual Reports for both tests were produced and delivered.
4. The 2017 Annual Reports for both tests in pdf format were posted online in a timely fashion.
5. Hard copies of the Annual Report were mailed to participants and libraries. The production and mailing of the hard copy of the southern report was delayed until June due to personnel issues. The production and distribution of the hard copy of the northern tests were delayed due to delay in SCN testing.
6. 2018 Trials at Stoneville have been harvested. All Northern Test plots in Indiana will be harvested by November 1. The data will be submitted for the annual report in a timely fashion.
7. Stem canker was successfully completed and Phytopthora root rot screening is on schedule in 2018. The data will be submitted for the annual reports in a timely fashion.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.