Maintaining an Enhanced Database and Website for Soybean Check-Off Research (1720-172-0120)
Sustainable Production
(none assigned)
Lead Principal Investigator:
Ed Anderson, Iowa Soybean Association
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:

Unique Keywords:
#research coordination
Information And Results
Project Deliverables

1. Maintain continuity in having one centralized and authoritative database containing all check-off supported research which is kept current on an annual basis.
2. Materials for training available to all QSSBs and researchers

Final Project Results

Development, modifications, bug fixes, functionality and performance enhancements, system maintenance, and user training were successfully accomplished during the fiscal year. These activities represent great commitment and a great deal of work on the part of the project manager, Cate Newberg, the contracted developer and other ad hoc team members from other QSSBs. Thirty five state, regional and national soybean organizations are currently loaded into the database. Promotion of the database by QSSBs, the NCSRP and the USB is critical to the full implementation and use of the system. To date, the system has been successfully utilized by the majority of states and checkoff funded universities. Data and information inputs enable a broad target audience and a vast number of users to access soybean checkoff-funded research projects, results and information to improve soybean production, ensure complementary and non-redundant research, greater return on investment, and move the soybean industry forward.

Did this project meet the intended Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)? List each KPI and describe progress made (or not made) toward addressing it, including metrics where appropriate.

1. 100% adoption of a fully functional, accessible and utilized National Soybean Check-off Research Database and web interface for farmers, consultants and researchers to implement new production practices and technologies that improve production efficiency, as determined by phone and meeting survey. Partially met. System is fully functional and accessible. Adoption and use are partial and continuously increasing.
2. 100% of checkoff funded projects entered into the database with full investigator and project information populated and project updates are entered on-time by fully trained users with ability to submit / upload data and information, and access / download data and information for different levels of detail, utilization and authorization. Partially met. For state, regional and national staff, and funded researchers who are using the system, there has been great success in having projects entered with all necessary information, along with on-time updates. Database information is accessible and is being used. When bugs are found, they are fixed. Training and promotion continue.

Expected Outputs/Deliverables - List each deliverable identified in the project, indicate whether or not it was supplied and if not supplied, please provide an explanation as to why.

1. Maintain continuity in having one centralized and authoritative database containing all check-off supported research which is kept current on an annual basis. For all current users, this output/deliverable is fully accomplished.
2. Materials for training available to all QSSBs and researchers. Yes, fully accomplished.
Describe any unforeseen events or circumstances that may have affected project timeline, costs, or deliverables (if applicable.)

Less than full adoption and use by all state QSSBs has been a minor unforeseen issue, but promotion and communication continue, along with necessary training and optimized system functionality and ongoing support and maintenance to drive confidence and adoption.

What, if any, follow-up steps are required to capture benefits for all US soybean farmers? Describe in a few sentences how the results of this project will be or should be used.

Continue to promote, train, support and maintain the system for full adoption and use. Once fully implemented, the broad target audience and user groups will see the obvious power and utility of the system. Many current users have expressed strong support and appreciation.
List any relevant performance metrics not captured in KPI’s.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.