1. Release of adapted highly resistant germplasm in the different maturity groups
2. Rps gene sequences – manuscripts for Rps2, 3a, and 8, Spring 2017
3. Mapping of putative novel Rps genes (six), manuscripts and reports to USB in quarterly reports, and to soybean breeders during annual workshop (Feb 2017)
4. Candidate genes for PI 567301B and PI 567516C with resistance to F. graminearum will be reported – Summer 2017
5. Identify the quantitative trait loci associated with resistance to P. sojae, Pythium spp., and Fusarium graminearum in at least 10 populations.
• Initial mapping of QTL for Pythium spp. (ISU series) Summer 2017, develop additional populations for fine mapping.
• Initial mapping of QTL for Pythium spp. (OSU series) Winter/Spring – 2018, develop additional populations for fine mapping
6. Candidate Gene Identification for resistance to these pathogens will be ongoing and reported in USB quarterly reports and given to the group to develop silencing vectors.
• Identify key candidate genes in PI 427106, PI 427105B, V71-370 (chr. 18) for a major QTL for P. sojae. (USB Fellow Stephanie Verhoff).
• Identify key candidate genes in PI 561271 (Chr. 3 and 7) for 2 QTL for P. sojae. (MU)
• Complete transcript analysis of candidate genes in Conrad for P. sojae. Winter 2017.
7. Characterize the role of auxin related genes for partial resistance in Conrad – Winter 2017, (USB Fellow – Anna Stasko)
8. Characterize the role of auxin regulated genes for P. sojae partial resistance and its relationship to flooding tolerance in PI 561271 – Winter 2017, MU
9. Constructs for silencing candidate genes for both Rps genes and QTL will continue through both years of the study. Initially we are aiming for 20 Rps-related genes and more than 80 QTL related genes. This will also provide specific markers for marker assisted selection for the key genes.
10. Coordinate genotyping system for introgression of five QTLs for resistance to soil borne pathogens into high yielding adapted germplasm.