Objective 1:
Phenotyping of 280 ancestral lines for resistance to F. gramearum, P.ultimum, and P. irregulare seed and seedling rot was completed, root necrosis, root length, root dry weight measured and recorded for all lines for all pathogens.
Objective 2:
(Minnesota) Data recorded, evaluated for quality and control of variability (such as removal of outliers), and organized into datasets for statistical analysis and association mapping to identify markers for resistance. (Purdue) RpsUN1 and RpsUN2 candidate genes pinpointed by a combination of fine-mapping and candidate gene expression analysis.
Objective 3:
Progeny seed from introgression of RpsUN1 and RpsUN2 into four Purdue elite cultivars harvested. These seeds were planted in greenhouse for one generation of self-pollination. We completed analysis of the haplotypes of the two candidate genes using the SNP genotyping data available for the entire USDA soybean germ plasm collection.
Objective 4:
(Minnesota) Progeny seed of crosses of RpsUN1 and RpsUN2 with early maturity elite breeding lines planted for winter increase in Chilean nursery.