Ohio River Region
- Best management practices on seeding methods and crop protection practices that benefit yield and
- A regional database of research
-One regional educational flyer describing best management practices and double crop agronomics in Years 2 and 3.
- A regional management guide completed in Year 3 that focuses on best management practices.
- Survey current level practices of 50 growers (10 per state) in Year 1 and Year 3; summarization of current practices in Year 1 and estimation for adoption of better management practices in Year 3.
- Communications campaign promoting the adoption of best management practices that improve yield and
profitability of soybeans in the double crop production system.
Mid-South Region
- A regional database compiling double crop soybean research results and production information from the
- Detailed data and BMPs based on agronomics, yields and economic considerations used to establish current BMP’s for double crop production within the Mid-South.
- Presentations of current BMPs presented at county, area, regional and producer meetings (public and
private) and professional meetings (ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual and Regional), Commodity Classic and other Soybean/Wheat related schools and meetings.
- A regional publication that serves as reference material for Mid-South agricultural complex (producers,
consultants, industry and other interested parties).
- Survey current level practices of 50 growers (10 per state) in Year 1 and Year 3; summarization of current practices in Year 1 and estimation for adoption of better management practices in Year 3.
- Manuscripts provided to Agronomy Journal, Crop Science, Crop Management, and Field Crops Research to formally document double crop research.
Plains Region
- A regional database compiling double crop soybean research results and production information from the
Central Plains region of Kansas and Oklahoma.
- Best management practices on agronomics, seeding methods and crop protection practices that benefit yield and profitability of double crop systems.
- Presentations of double crop current research and BMPs at professional Agronomy meetings and at Soybean related Extension Meetings.
- Two manuscripts submitted to refereed journals including the Agronomy Journal
- Regional extension publications detailing BMPs for double crop systems in the Plains Region.
- Interactions with industry representatives, USB directors and soybean commissioners, farmers, agronomists to advance the Double Crop Initiative efforts.
- Survey current level practices of 50 growers (10 per state) in Year 1 and Year 3; summarization of current practices in Year 1 and estimation for adoption of better management practices in Year 3.
- Soybean Schools in the Plains Region serve as a platform for introducing best management practices for
double crop soybean.