1. Expansion of the iPiPE support to meet the needs of existing soybean sentinel plot monitoring program in southern states, the soybean insect monitoring program in the Midwest, and new soybean pest monitoring efforts by Extension professionals in northcentral states.
2. Inclusion of other cropping systems and their pests in the iPiPE (The USDA AFRI grant will support the
addition of 7 new iPiPE crop/pest/production region programs in 2016).
3. Increased participation in existing iPiPE programs through discussions of and workshops on the system at meetings of crop consultants, Extension professionals, and industry representatives.
4. Modification of the system and its services in response to feedback on iPiPE functionality and products from Extension professionals and other iPiPE participants.
5. Collaborative arrangements with third-party companies that have their own smartphone APPs for pest and crop scouting.