Soybean Soil Fertility in North Central and North West North Dakota
Sustainable Production
GeneticsGenomicsSeed quality
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
David Franzen, North Dakota State University
Co-Principal Investigators:
Chris Augustin, North Dakota State University-North Central Research Extension Center
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Leveraged Funding (Non-Checkoff):
State Board of Ag Research and Education is contributing $15,532.00
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Brief Project Summary:

Soybean soil fertility recommendations published for North Dakota are based on research from eastern North Dakota and from the region serviced by the Carrington R&E Center. New soybean acres have become established in north central (NC) and northwest (NW) North Dakota recently for which there is little or no data. This is year 1 of a 3 year project that takes advantage of a soils researcher/extension specialist at the North Central R&E Center in Minot who is beginning his PhD work in Soils at NDSU. We plan two sites per year for 3 years that will be planted by NC R&E Center technicians with 12 fertilizer treatments. One site will be located in the Crosby area and the second site south...

Unique Keywords:
#soil fertility
Information And Results
Project Deliverables

We anticipate that results will help us determine the nutrient requirements of soybeans grown in NC and NW North Dakota and the need and response of soybean to pH amendments in acid soils.

Final Project Results


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Soybean Soil Fertility in North Central and Northwest North Dakota

Executive Summary 2017

David Franzen and Chris Augustin, North Dakota State University

There have been few soybean soil fertility studies from north-central and northwest North Dakota. This research will fill that gap and provide confidence to soybean growers in those regions for nutrient management practices that are valid and cost-effective. The results of this research will increase soybean grower profitability in the region.

1. Determine major nutrient requirements of soybean in north central and northwest North
2. Determine response of soybean to sugar beet waste lime for pH improvement in acid soils of
north central North Dakota.
3. Determine the starter fertilizer response of soybean in north central and northwest North
4. Determine the foliar fertilizer response of soybean in north central and northwest North

Sites near Columbus and Minot, which had previously been grown to soybean were chosen because they represented the range of soil pH in the region. Columbus had a pH of 7.5, while pH was 6.2 at Minot. Treatments at both sites included phosphate (P) row starters and post-emergence foliar treatments. However, the Columbus site treatments included Levesol (‘metal-less’ chelate) and Soygreen (iron chelate fertilizer) that might make a yield/quality difference in high pH soils. The Minot site received lime treatments due to its lower pH, and no chelates.

Treatments follow:
1. Check (no fertilizer)
2. Seed Bradyrhizobium inoculated (at planting)
3. 100 pounds per acre of 11-52-0 broadcast (preplant)
4. 3 gallon per acre 10-34-0 (in-furrow at planting)
5. 3 gallon per acre 6-24-6 (in-furrow at planting)
6. 50 pounds of N per acre as urea (preplant broadcast)
7. Sugar beet waste lime @2 tons per acre (Minot on acid soils- preplant broadcast)
7. Iron ortho-ortho-EDDHA seed applied (Columbus, high pH-in-furrow at planting)
8. Sugar beet waste lime @ 4 tons per acre (Minot on acid soils-preplant broadcast)
9. Naked ortho-ortho-EDDHA seed applied (Levesol-Columbus, high pH-in-furrow at
10. Foliar 9-18-9 at V5
11. Foliar 9-18-9 with S at V5
12. Foliar 9-18-9 at R2
13. Foliar 9-19-9 with S at R2

There were no differences in yield or protein concentration at Columbus due to any treatment. There was a small difference in oil concentration between the urea application/Levesol treatments (lower) and the 3 gal/acre 10-34-0 and foliar 9-18-9 R2 treatments (higher).

At Minot, treatments resulted in differences in yield. Inoculation resulted in highest yield and the foliar 9-18-9 R2 treatment had the lowest yield. Row-starter P treatments were not superior to the broadcast treatment and the lime applications were similar in yield to the check.

Generalizations on soybean soil fertility cannot be made based on these two experiments. The report for next year will include the results of two more sites with differing pH levels and the same treatments as imposed this year. As data is accumulated in this new region of soybean production, trends that point to important considerations for soybean fertilizer inputs will become apparent.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.