First quarter (December 2015): Finish 2nd year of trials with harvest. Analyze leaf tissue and grain for nutrient content. Assess disease and insect predation onsoybean pods and seeds. Begin to summarize 2nd year field data.
Second quarter (March 2016): Finish analysis and summary of 2nd
year field data and report findings to farmer cooperators. Develop and present findings in farmer winter meetings, Soybean Colleges and C.O.R.N. newsletter articles. Continue greenhouse experiments to
examine effects of fertility on insect feeding and diseases. Recruit growers for 2016 field season.
Third quarter (June 2016): Complete planning and coordinate establishment of ~30 trials across the state. Collect soil samples and begin to send to laboratory for analysis.
Fourth quarter (September 2016): Continue maintaining field trials and collect field data. Begin analysis of multi-year data to build a model and determine critical and maintenance ranges
based on soil extractable nutrients and tissue analysis.