Project Status –
1. The “final” Excel Formatted results of the 2015 trials were sent to all collaborators and participants on March 2, 2016 and to private breeders on March 8, 2016.
2. The PDF version of the 2015 annual report was distributed on March 31, 2016. The hard copies of the annual report were mailed in early April 2016.
3. Pedigree information for the entries in the 2015 tests was sent to Rex Nelson at Soybase.org for inclusion in the Soybean Parentage Database.
4. All seed was distributed on time and the 2016 Uniform Tests were planted.
5. Seven tests were planted at Stoneville in April 2016 and have been harvested. Datasheets are being prepared and seed is being sent for analysis.
6. We are waiting for data from collaborators for the 2016 trials.
7. Stem canker testing by me at Stoneville, MS was complete and the final data is being prepared.
Did this project meet the intended Key Performance Indicators (KPIs
Continued participation in the testing program by public breeders indicates the utility of the
testing program. In 2016 there were 15 soybean breeders who participated by growing tests
and/ or entering lines. These soybean breeders and collaborators are located in twelve states and represent three ARS locations and ten Universities.
The grant term was March 1 to September 30, therefore the only KPI that occurred during this timeframe was distribution of the final results in Excel format and distribution of the Annual Report. These KPI were met.
Expected Outputs/Deliverables -
The 2015 Annual Report was produced and delivered on a timely basis. The 2016 trials were planted and are being harvested.
Describe any unforeseen events or circumstances that may have affected project timeline, costs, or deliverables (if applicable.)
What, if any, follow-up steps are required to capture benefits for all US soybean farmers? Describe in a few sentences how the results of this project will be or should be used.
The breeders utilize these results to make critical decisions regarding the advancement of lines and varieties towards release for commercial use. The data from these trials are used to justify releases. The 2016 data needs to be analyzed and reported.
List any relevant performance metrics not captured in KPI’s.
Pedigree information for the entries in the tests was sent to Rex Nelson at Soybase.org for inclusion in the Soybean Parentage Database. This database is an ongoing project which makes pedigree information available online to everyone. It is very helpful for writing release notices and registration articles.
The Uniform Soybean Tests – Southern States is a cooperative testing program that is the main mechanism for all southern public soybean breeders to obtain multi-state field, disease reaction and pest reaction data to support the selection and release of the best soybean lines as varieties that will be grown by farmers.