Continued funding will be used to: 1) Conduct the Official Soybean Variety Trials in Virginia (5-full-season and 5-double crop). 2) Conduct research on remote sensing of soybean leaf area that compares drills versus planters and seed treatments. 3) Cooperate with County Extension Agents and other researchers to conduct on-farm research trials and field demonstrations.
Open access information on the agronomic performance and disease resistance traits of publically developed, advanced soybean-breeding material in maturity groups (MG) 00-VI evaluated in 14 states and 3 provinces in 2013.
The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.