Building an Enhanced Database and Website for Soybean Check-Off Research (Year 2 of 1420-832-8263)
Sustainable Production
(none assigned)
Lead Principal Investigator:
Ed Anderson, Iowa Soybean Association
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:

Unique Keywords:
#checkoff research, #research coordination, #soybean database, #soybean websites
Information And Results
Project Deliverables

The new and improved website/database will contain the following features to be useful to the entire soybean community:
1) Replace the current website/database beginning in 2017 and thereby maintain continuity in having one centralized and authoritative website housing a complete database of all check-off supported research, going back to 2002 (when an official listing was first initiated) and kept current on an annual basis.

2) Contains both features of a database and a website:
a) A spreadsheet-style database on the background of each project that can then be filtered and queried as appropriate in order to statistically summarize or tally key pieces of information such as funding levels by geographic area or topic-area, degree or length of participation of a given researcher, etc. and includes the following information per project:
- Years and duration of the project
- Each PI or co-PI researcher, their institution
- Level of funding provided per researcher and institution and by topic area
- Categorize how the research was utilized by the soybean community e.g. variety release, genetic marker, publication, extension bulletin, overall value and impact of the research for production or extending meaningful basic knowledge, etc.

3) Website that provides a summary of information, in terms of its conclusions and outcomes, provided by check-off projects and offers in a listing according to specific research project(s) of interest or all projects by topic, flexibly searchable.

4) Provides a full set of interactive web tools to allow a user to obtain, access and extract information in a variety of ways (e.g. by region, by an individual state, by general or specific topic, etc.) as well as perform statistical summaries of check-off research (e.g. amount of funding per year or over years – nationally or by state, how research was utilized, etc.). Also, provides split screen capabilities e.g. to view projects per topic area funded by USB versus NCSRP side by side

5) Contain a modern, highly functional and expandable search engine, with wide flexibility in use of key words, to obtain either a full set or very selected listing of projects and their summaries that are pertinent to a given search. This would include a very specific search as stated in Objective #4, for example, to obtain a tally of all funding of check-off research by a given university for a selected number of years.

6) On the website, the summary of information contains the following set of information:
a) Basic project information – Title, PI, institution, funding level per year of funding
b) Objectives – clearly stated in numerical order
c) Key results within each numbered objective
d) Conclusions and deliverables, with some measure of impact to soybean knowledge and production

7) The information for Objective 6 would be split into two unique portals depending on the user’s level of expertise and need for the information:
a) One portal labeled, for example, “Fast Facts” intended for farmers and on-farm practitioners (consultants, tech reps, retailers, journalists, etc.,), containing just –
- The key facts pertaining to applied or on-farm use derived from the project’s deliverables and conclusions
- A brief summary in laymen’s terms of the objectives and results by objective
- Most pertinent basics of the project background (lead PI and institution, years of study)
b) A second portal labeled, for example, “Full Facts” intended for agricultural scientists, extension/outreach or research containing a full set of information per project:
- Full set of deliverables as they pertain to on-farm use and also the advancement of knowledge and research progress in the given area
- Full set of objectives in numerical order
- Full set of key results and conclusions according to the numbered objectives
- Full set of basic information on the project background
- Listing in check-box format (checking “all that applies”) of how they research was utilized by the soybean community e.g. variety release, genetic marker, publication, extension bulletin, etc. – that is also housed in the database for sort-and-summarize requests
- Quick list of “next steps” identified by the project
- Possibly, a link to the publications and manuscripts that were published from the project

Final Project Results

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.