The SSRP program continues to strive to meet the needs of our southern soybean producing states. During FY 14, the Southern Soybean Research Program met in December in conjunction with the USB/ASA Board meetings and again during the Commodity Classic.
At the December meeting the board heard a presentation from Dr. Patricia Donald, USDA – ARS; on the jointly funded USB project, “Investigations into the Occurrence, Distribution and Impact of Nematodes in Soybean Fields in the Southern United States.”
The board also met and held its annual meeting during the commodity classic in San Antonio, Texas this past February. Also at the annual meeting the board voted to fund the following, "Challenges in Soybean Irrigation - Soil and Crop Irrigation Management, A Four State Initiative in the Southern U.S. (KY, GA, TN, MO)" by Dr. Ole Wendroth, University of Kentucky. We are excited to see what proposal comes out of this initiative to be discussed at our upcoming December board meeting.
The group is also pleased to remind everyone that it is still growing by adding Texas Soybean this spring.
The SSRP is also pleased to announce that it is still growing by adding Texas Soybean this coming spring. The addition of Texas will enhance the ability of the program to coordinate regional projects.