1. Identify parents of the soybean nested mapping (NAM) population that differ significantly in their innate immunity response. Utilize these parental lines to identify key genes responsive to treatment with known PAMPs [i.e., flagellin (representative of bacterial pathogens) and chitin (representative of fungal pathogens)].
2. Utilize the specific RIL populations derived from the selected parents to identify and map expression QTLs (eQTLs) controlling the level of the soybean innate immunity response, as well as loci controlling ROS production. We will test whether the locations of these alleles correlate to the locations of previously identified eQTL, as well as known QTLs for disease resistance. When necessary, these populations will be phenotyped with regard to their sensitivity to other soybean fungal pathogens.
3. Utilizing markers identified through mapping in the NAM population, identify those soybean lines containing multiple beneficial QTL alleles. Perform laboratory and field evaluations of these lines to evaluate their resistance to priority soybean fungal pathogens. The identified markers could then be used subsequently for marker assisted selection.