Weeds can be effectively controlled with Liberty in LL soybean according to data. Glyphosate applied alone and in tank-mixture with other post emergence herbicides will not control all glyphosate-resistant plants within a RR soybean field and increases the selection of multiple resistant biotypes. The use of soil applied herbicides improved weed control and delayed the initial post emergence application in both RR and LL soybean. Cadet mixed with glyphosate reduced control of common ragweed and did not improve control of waterhemp (specific data not provided).
LibertyLink soybean yielded more and provided greater profits compared to RR soybean at the Mayville site, however RR soybean out-yielded and provided greater profits at the Holloway site (data not provided). Therefore choose LL soybean varieties carefully to maximize yield.
The greater the frequency and level of resistance to glyphosate within a field, the greater the need to plant LL soybean. When Liberty is applied following a soil-applied herbicide to small (< 3 inches) weeds at high spray volumes (> 17 GPA), with high pressures and small spray droplets effective weed control can be obtained.