Members identified pod and stem diseases as issues needing improved information in 2015 and developed two full-length publications on stem canker, pod and stem blight, and two scouting cards on common soybean seed diseases and soybean stem diseases. In addition to developing these 4 publications, the group re-formatted past publications on charcoal rot, soybean vein necrosis virus and white mold to fit the new template and ensure that stakeholders associate information with NCSRP and research-based information To date, over 60,000 new full-length and scouting card publications have been distributed from this group on SVNV, stem canker, pod and stem blight, and seed and stem diseases. Locally, publications were distributed to local soybean boards, and are available electronically.
Extension information provided by this project has improved farmers’ ability to distinguish among soybean diseases, and understand best management practices for these diseases. The template and platform designed by this group has also been used to develop publications for other projects, including the soybean seedling disease project (USB and NCSRP) and the sudden death syndrome (SDS) project (NCSRP).