Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) continues to be a major pest of soybeans in Wisconsin. In 2007 the Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board funded a unique project whereby a summer intern worked with country agents to sample problem soybean fields. She sampled 154 fields in 19 counties and found SCN on soybean roots in 32 fields. Through the in-field scouting and sampling procedures, soybean growers were instructed on SCN symptoms, sampling procedures, visual diagnostics and potential soybean losses.
Specifically, the continuing project will:
1) Conduct SCN workshops at five locations in early August.
2) Sample 200 fields for SCN.
3) Send out over 500 SCN sampling kits to growers requesting...
Unique Keywords:
#nematodes, #soybean cyst nematode - educational activities, #soybean cyst nematode - soil sampling program