Historically, soybean planting recommendations in Oklahoma have been divided into two different concepts: The first concept being the early-season concept, which would involve planting a MG 3 or early MG 4 as early in April as possible. The second concept is the full/late-season soybean concept, where MG 4 and MG 5 soybeans are planted early in June (June1-June 15). Planting after June 15 has shown a reduction in yield potential. Tests over the last two years have indicated around a 1-2% drop in yield potential for every day planted after June 15. With the majority of the soybean crop in Oklahoma planted after wheat harvest, it is common for the planting date to be delayed after June...
Unique Keywords:
#crop management systems, #soybean production management, #soybean yield improvement, #tillage systems