No specific final results are possible for this type of project. Information collected up to this time is confirming that the likelihood of soybean yield response to micronutrients is small across the entire region, and that use of sufficiency levels for soil or plant-tissue tests being suggested in the literature for most micronutrients or soybean yield levels may encourage unneeded fertilization. However, deficiencies and likely response to fertilization are observed in some specific soil types or conditions found in smaller areas. Deficiencies of several micronutrients are commonly observed in sandy, coarse textured soils. Soybean iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC) is frequently observed in high-pH (calcareous) soils in the western area of the region, and recent research being summarized shows that newly available products and methods of application have good potential to alleviate deficiencies. Manganese deficiency in soybean sometimes is observed in northcentral region states east of Illinois and Wisconsin. However, the information collected indicates the challenge of identifying specific responsive fields by soil or tissue testing given significant impacts of transient and temporally variable soil properties such as moisture and aeration on Mn plant-availability. The information available shows that high yielding soybean can remove high amounts of micronutrients with harvested grain, but that the yield level or the yield potential alone cannot be used as indicator for micronutrient fertilizer requirements. Therefore, major concepts likely to be included in the publication will be the inadequacy of published sufficiency levels for some micronutrients for soil or tissue tests, the poor reliability of tests for other micronutrients, and a need for further research focusing on specific soils or conditions where yield response is most likely. These include sandy, calcareous, organic, or severely eroded soils.