The Kansas Soybean Commission (KSC) is a farmer-driven organization dedicated to improving profitability, increasing demand and building a strong future for all Kansas soybean farmers. KSC primarily focuses on soybean research, marketing and education to support the profit opportunities for Kansas soybean farmers and the soybean industry.

Kansas Soybean Commission logo

The Kansas Soybean Commission works to improve the profit potential for all soybean farmers in Kansas and across the United States. It is a board of nine volunteer farmers, elected by their peers, who are responsible for managing Kansas’ share of the funds collected under the national soybean-checkoff program. The checkoff helps ensure a strong and productive future for soybean farmers. Through...

Top Things for Farmers to Know About Checkoff Dollars Invested in Research

Each fiscal year, the Kansas Soybean Commissioners meticulously review and fund research projects that will bring the most value to Kansas farmers. Project investments provide meaningful information about minimizing production risk and maximizing...

Top Research Funding Areas

- Agronomic Best Practices for Weed Control, Pest Management and Soil Health
- Soybean Variety and Germplasm Development
- Soybean Crop Enhancement Through Genetic Engineering and Yield Studies

Top Areas of Research Critical to the Future of Kansas's Soybean Production

- Evaluating and Determining Best Integrated Weed Management Practices as Weeds Develop Higher Resistance to Herbicide Programs
- Capitalizing on Genetic Engineering of Soybean Crops to Increase Fungal Resistance and Improve Genetic Traits to Ultimately...

Recent Innovative Research Projects

- Continuation of Effort to Produce at Least 100 New Soybean Populations Each Year and Develop Elite Breeding Lines
- Assess Soil Potassium Deficiencies in Relation to Soybean Yield Loss to Determine Best Management Practices
- Improve Soybean...

Financial Overview: FY2023
Sustainable Production Food Feed
Chart numbers rounded to nearest 1000. Only projects in this database are shown.
Total dollar amount of all FY2023 projects

Total dollar amount of all FY2024 projects
